Search Results for 'HEAD'

Expecting a reply

Teacher: Why didn't you answer me?

Pupil: I did; I shook my head.

Teacher: You don't expect me to hear it rattling from here, do you?!

by (few years ago!)
Consultation fees

A lawyer's dog, running around town unleashed, heads for a butcher shop and steals a roast. The butcher goes to the lawyer's office and asks, "if a dog running unleashed steals a piece of meat from my store, do I have a right to demand payment for the meat from the dog's owner?" The lawyer answers, "Absolutely."

"Then you owe me $8.50. Your dog was loose and stole a roast from me today."

The lawyer, without a word, writes the butcher a check for $8.50. The butcher, having a feeling of satisfaction, leaves.

Three days later, the butcher finds a bill from the lawyer: $100 due for a consultation.

by (few years ago!)
28 International Rules Of Manhood

1: Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella.

2: It is OK for a man to cry ONLY under the following circumstances:
(a) When a heroic dog dies to save its master.
(b) The moment Angelina Jolie starts unbuttoning her blouse.
(c) After wrecking your boss' car.
(d) One hour, 12 minutes, 37 seconds into "The Crying Game".

3: Any Man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his buddies.

4: Unless he murdered someone in your family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours.

5: If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off limits forever unless you actually marry her.

6: Moaning about the brand of free beer in a buddy's fridge is forbidden. However complain at will if the temperature is unsuitable.

7: No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering your buddy's birthday is strictly optional. At that point, you must celebrate at a strip bar of the birthday boy's choice.

8: On a road trip, the strongest bladder determines pit stops, not the weakest.

9: When stumbling upon other guys watching a sporting event, you may ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.

10: You may flatulate in front of a woman only after you have brought her to climax. If you trap her head under the covers for the purpose of flatulent entertainment, she's officially your girlfriend.

11: It is permissible to drink a fruity alcohol drink only when you're sunning on a tropical beach... and it's delivered by a topless model and only when it's free.

12: Only in situations of moral and/or physical peril are you allowed to kick another guy in the nuts.

13: Unless you're in prison, never fight naked.

14: Friends don't let friends wear Speedos. Ever. Issue closed.

15: If a man's fly is down, that's his problem, you didn't see anything.

16: Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to drink as much as the other sports watchers.

17: A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.

18: Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza, but not both, that's just greedy.

19: If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you'd better be talking about his choice of beer.

20: Never join your girlfriend or wife in discussing a friend of yours, except if she's withholding sex pending your response.

21: Phrases that may NOT be uttered to another man while lifting weights:
(a) Yeah, Baby, Push it!
(b) C'mon, give me one more! Harder!
(c) Another set and we can hit the showers!

22: Never talk to a man in a bathroom unless you are on equal footing: i.e., both urinating, both waiting in line, etc. For all other situations, an almost imperceptible nod is all the conversation you need.

23: Never allow a telephone conversation with a woman to go on longer than you are able to have sex with her. Keep a stopwatch by the phone. Hang up if necessary.

24: The morning after you and a girl who was formerly "just a friend" have carnal, drunken monkey sex, the fact that you're feeling weird and guilty is no reason for you not to nail each other again before the discussion about what a big mistake it was occurs.

25: It is acceptable for you to drive her car. It is not acceptable for her to drive yours.

26: Thou shalt not buy a car in the colors of brown, pink, lime green, orange or sky blue.

27: The girl who replies to the question "What do you want for Christmas?" with "If you loved me, you'd know what I want!" gets an Xbox. End of story.

28: There is no reason for guys to watch Ice Skating or Men's Gymnastics. Ever.

by (few years ago!)
Flying In The Plane

Sue and Bob, a pair of tight wads, lived in the mid west, and had been married years. Bob had always want to go flying. The desire deepen each time a barn stormer flew into town to offer rides. Bob would ask, and Sue would say, "No way, ten dollars is ten dollars."

The years went pay, and Bob figured he didn't have much longer, so he got Sue out to the show, explaining, it's free to watch, let's at least watch. And once he got there the feeling become real strong. Sue and Bob started an arguement.

The Pilot, between flights, overheard, listened to they problem, and said, "I'll tell you what, I'll take you up flying, and if you don't say a word the ride is on me, but if you back one sound, you pay ten dollars.

So off they flew. The Pilot doing as many rolls, and dives as he could--heading to the ground as fast as the plane could go, and pulling out of the dive at just the very last second. Not a word. Finally he admited defeat and went back the airport.

"I'm surprised, why didn't you say anything?"

"Well I almost said something when Sue fell out, but ten dollars is ten dollars."

by (few years ago!)
Cat Technical Support Problems

This is an actual account by a worker at a technical support and service center. One particular customer had an old console-type machine with a print head that would ride back and forth on a spiral shaft. They also had a big bushy cat who liked to sit on the edge of the printer next to the operator.

Well, one day we got a service call that said, "Cat caught in machine, come quick!"

When I arrived I saw everyone sitting around mending their various wounds, scratches and contusions. No sight of the cat. It appears that while they were running the machine the cat was twirling his tail in his usual fashion and stuck it down into the printer at the most inopportune time and got sucked in! Apparently, the cat absolutely freaked out and clawed at everyone who came close. They finally freed the cat, and to this day, the cat goes nowhere near the machine.

by (few years ago!)
An Amazing Talking Dog

A man and his dog walk into a bar. The man proclaims, "I'll bet you a round of drinks that my dog can talk."

Bartender: "Yeah! Sure...go ahead."

Man: "What covers a house?"

Dog: "Roof!"

Man: "How does sandpaper feel?"

Dog: "Rough!"

Man: "Who was the greatest ball player of all time?"

Dog: "Ruth!"

Man: "Pay up. I told you he could talk."

The bartender, annoyed at this point, throws both of them out the door. Sitting on the sidewalk, the dog looks at the guy and says, "or is the greatest player Mantle?"

by (few years ago!)
Three men were flying

Three men were flying in a plane.
One dropped out an apple the other dropped an orange and the other dropped a grenade.

After landing they were walking down the street and saw a kid crying.
They asked him why he was crying and he said "an apple hit me in the head".
Then they saw another kid crying he said "an orange hit me in the head".
Then they saw a kid laughing his head off and they asked him what was so funny he said
"I farted and my house blew up!"

by Jag (few years ago!)
14 august a terrible fight Aaj mere pass Ab Yaha Sirf Mera Raj Hoga account adult Aftar agar akbar altaf hussain animal August Aunty Azadi Baba Bacha bachelors think that married men are lucky backup Bakra Bakra Eid Barish Bechare Janwar Bhi Ab Darte Hai beggar Bhagwan bijli kahan se ati hai bijli kahan se ati hai? Birthday Biwi Biwi 1 Faltu Musibat Ha Biwi Ke Deewane To Bahut Hai blonde Body bollywood Butt cartoon chai chand Chaudhry chudai chut Computer crazy Cricket daag daal suppose ki hai dear dear this computer Dekho na Wo aadmi mujhe Ghur Ghur k Dekh raha hai demo Devta Dil Ki Dhadkan Tej Ho Gayi Dirty Doctor Dulhan ek ek rupaya bachata hai apna muftimal Ek Tapori Ki Wife Election english english ki aisi ki taisi farak ladke aur ladki mein Faraz Fart fashion films friendship frying pan funny poetry Gaand GALA CHECK KERNA HAI gand gul khan Haathi habshi Hanuman HAPPY SING: GHAR MAI MERA HE Harami HEAD himmat hai to ek ek karke aao hindi joke hindi jokes Hindu Hoshyaar bander hum log itnay upper aagaiy Imran Imran khan in english irada pakka ho to sab mil sakta hai Ishq Kiya Bhi To Kis Se Kiya Islam Jo Dosray Ko Apni Baat Jokes Jungle Kadhai kela Kelay ka chilka Khan kiske baap ka kya jaata hai kiske baap ka kya jaata hai? Kiss Larka lawyer little johnny Londa Love lover machar mahajir mandir Marasi Marriage Meera Mirasi mubarak ho khan sab naughty naukar Nawaz nawaz sharif New York nonveg Pandit: Bhagwan, agar tum muje pappu parent parents Pathan Poetry Police Wale Bhi Jeene Nahi Dete Politics Punjabi Qurbani Ramzan result Rishta Romance Romantic Roza santa santa banta santa ki biwi ka operation Sardar sardar and bomb Sardar ji SARDAR JOKES sardar vs pathan Sardarji Sawan Shadi SHAIR ARZ HAI shayari Short Siasat simple site sooraj raat ko kyu nahi nikalta sooraj raat ko kyu nahi nikalta? Student suhaag raat Suhag Suhagraat suna tha kya apne kabhi esa sentence suna tha kya apne kabhi esa sentence? tabhi pathan ghar late pahunchta hai teacher Teacher Teacher Ka Farak Hai test tota tourist Urdu urdu jokes volcano Vote Wazoo wife Yaar tune apni Biwi ko Talak kyu diya yaar tune apni biwi ko talak kyu diya? Zardari zaroorat