Search Results for 'believe '
HoPe Is ImPoRtAnT
It CaN mAkE tHe
LeSs DiFfIcUlT tO bEaR
If We BeLiEvE tHaT
2MoRoW wIlL bE bEtTeR
We CaN bEaR
A hArDsHiP tOdAy
GUD A.M (:
169 chars (2 sms)
Words Spoken By Sum1 Sumtymz
Leads You To Different Skies Filled
Wid Delinquency Of Those
Moments Which Can B Cherished
Even In Desolation Of Life n Make
You Believe Those Moments
Would Return
1ce Again 2 Adore
To Fill Your Life Wid Colors Of Rainbow
G o_O d
M o R n I n G
Have A Worry Free Sunday (=
320 chars (2 sms)
Success is waking up in d morning n bounding out of bed
dere''s something out dere th8
U luv 2 do, th8 U believe in, th8 U r gud @,
sumhthng th8z bigger thn U r
U can hardly w8 2 get it agn...
g 0.o D
m O r N i N g .. (=
237 chars (2 sms)
Preeto 2 maid:
Oh Kanta, I have reason 2 suspect that
Banta is having an affair with his secretary.
Kanta: I don’t believe it!
U r just trying 2 make me jealous.
173 chars (2 sms)
Press down if you think you are MAD,
I can’t believe u did that!
For God Sake!
Why u still doing it?
Truth is out now!
145 chars (1 sms)
Press Down if u think u r MAD.
I can''t Believe u Did That!
For God Sake! LORD!!
Why u Still Doing it?
Truth is out now!
148 chars (1 sms)
" ToDay Iz SunDAY "
Send this SMS to 10 Peoples and INSHALLAH tommorrow Will be Monday !
Monday :)
Believe me it works!! :)
133 chars (1 sms)
Banta was amazed to find Santa playing chess with his dog.
He watched the game in astonishment for a while.
"I can hardly believe my eyes!" Banta exclaimed.
"That"s the smartest dog I"ve ever seen."
"Nah, he"s not so smart," Santa replied.
"I"ve beaten him three games out of five"
295 chars (2 sms)
Banta was amazed to find Santa playing chess with his dog.
He watched the game in astonishment for a while.
"I can hardly believe my eyes!" Banta exclaimed.
"That"s the smartest dog I"ve ever seen."
"Nah, he"s not so smart," Santa replied.
"I"ve beaten him three games out of five"
295 chars (2 sms)
1st Friend : My wife converted me to religion.
2nd Friend : Really?
1st Friend : Yes. Until I married her I didnt believe in hell.
137 chars (1 sms)
Rules ®ulations for college
1) Never make noise in class respect the fact that others are sleeping.
2) Keep the college clean so stay away.
3) Always take books cos u dnt get pillow to help u sleep well.
4) Never be early to class or else no one will notice u.....
*The only mantra U SHOULD believe is "though hard work hasn''t killed anybody but why take a chance".
*Should always copy assignment,lab etc.
Never even spare a thought of doing them on ur own
477 chars (3 sms)
When Somebody.... Who''s Deeply In Love Wid U
Tells U That
U r Cure, Cute, BeautiFul, Angelic....
I Agree That''s True....
Believe Me...
I Can Swear....
Love Is Blind....... ;->
210 chars (2 sms)
Believe in God!
Pray 2 god always n everytime.
NOT press-press!
Bandar ko mobile diya to aisa hi karega
150 chars (1 sms)
Life is short so follow some rules:
Forgive quickly
Believe slowly
Love truely
Laugh loudly
Never avoid anything that
Brings Smile on ur Face!!!
Think of me Twice Daily... ;->
209 chars (2 sms)
1st Friend: My wife converted me to religion.
2nd Friend: Really?
1st Friend: Yes. Until I married her I didnt believe in hell. . . ;->
140 chars (1 sms)