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Search Results for 'love'

i wish u love

I wish U Lovely X-mas
I wish U Favorable "
I wish U Enjoyable "
U shall not Lack in this X-mas thy Lord shall provide to U! Merry X-Mas.

140 chars (1 sms)

it is d month of cak

It is d month of Cakes n Candles,

Snow n Songs,
Carols n Joys,
Laughter n Love,

"Wishing you a Blessed Month of Christmas!!

148 chars (1 sms)

love came down at ch

Love came down at Christmas;
Love all lovely, love divine;
Love was born at Christmas,
Stars and angels gave the sign.

Christina Rossetti

144 chars (1 sms)

christmas hath a dar

Christmas hath a darkness;
Brighter than the blazing noon;
Christmas hath a chillness
Warmer than the heat of June,
Christmas hath a beauty
Lovelier than the world can show:
For Christmas bringeth Jesus,
Brought for us so low

Christina Rosetti

254 chars (2 sms)

joy was on christlo

joy was on Christ,love was on mas,so let all of this found u anywhere u are this lovely season.merry x mas and happy new year

126 chars (1 sms)

happy happy fathers

Happy Happy Father''s Day

Here''s A Little Song To Say

"Happy, Happy Father''s Day"

No One''s Father Is So Sweet.

Your Kind Ways Just Can''t Be Beat.

Happy Happy Father''s Day;

I Love You In A Big Way!!

221 chars (2 sms)

daddy i love youbr

Daddy, I Love You
For All That You Do.
I''ll Kiss You And Hug You
''Cause You Love Me, Too.

You Feed Me And Need Me
To Teach You To Play,
So Smile ''Cause I Love You
On This Father''s Day.

197 chars (2 sms)

delightful and lovi

"Delightful And Loving,
Loved And Admired,
Dad, You''re My Hero,
My Life You''ve Inspired. And When All My Blessings
Are Counted Each Day,
I Thank God In Heaven
For Dad When I Pray. Dad Thanks For Your Presence
Throughout Thick And Thin;
You''re More Than A Parent,
You''re My Wonderful Friend.
Happy Father Day

326 chars (3 sms)

daddy no one can dec

Daddy no one can decribe
in words what a father means.

Happy fathers day daddy,
And remember i love you.

110 chars (1 sms)

a mothers love for

A Mother''s Love For Her Children

Like Nothing Else In The World

It Knows No Law, No Pity

It Dares All Things & Crushes Down Remorselessly

All That Stands In ts Path . . .

184 chars (2 sms)

a mothers love for

A Mother''s Love For Her Children

Like Nothing Else In The World

It Knows No Law, No Pity

It Dares All Things & Crushes Down Remorselessly

All That Stands In ts Path . . .

184 chars (2 sms)

it takes 1000 worker

It Takes 1000 Workers To Built A Castle

Elven Players To Win A Match

Eight Semesters To Complete Engineering

Two Hearts To Make Love


A Single Woman Is Enough To Make A Home Sweet & Happy

Let Us Thank Our Mother

Love U Mom . . . =)

256 chars (2 sms)

your arms were alway

Your Arms Were Always Open When I Needed A Hug.

Your Heart Understood When I Needed A Friend.

Your Gentle Eyes Were Stern When I Needed A Lesson.

Your Strength And Love Has Guided Me And Gave Me Wings To Fly.

218 chars (2 sms)

you filled my dayz w

You Filled My Dayz With Rainbow Lights

Fairy Tales And Sweet Dream Nights

A Kiss To Wipe Away My Tears

Gingerbread To Ease My Fears

You Gave The Gift Of Life To me

And Then In Love You Set Me Free

I Thank You For Your Tender Care

For Deep Warm Hugs And Being There

I Hope When You Think Of Me

A Part Of You

You''ll Alwayz See

358 chars (3 sms)

nobodys like you m

Nobody''s Like You, Mom

Nobody''s quite like you Mom.
You''re special in every way.
You cheer me up you fill my cup
With tenderness come what may.

Nobody loves me like you Mom.
No matter what I do Good or bad, happy or sad,
You support me You always come through.

Nobody''s equal to you, Mom.
With you in my life, I''m blessed.
I love you so, and I want you to know
I think you''re the very best!

By Joanna Fuchs

440 chars (3 sms)

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