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Short but deep quote

Short but deep quote:
Do u want happiness in life.?
Follow this..
"Never be beggers of love, always be doners of love"

128 chars (1 sms)

The Most Important

The Most Important
Thing Is Life Is ...
To Love Someone ...

The Second Most
Important Thing In
Life Is ...
To have Someone
Love You

The Third Most
Important Thing Is ...
To Have The First Two
Happen At The Same
Time ... ^_^

242 chars (2 sms)

Find The 1

Find The 1
That Makes Ur Heart Smile
There r Moments In Life When U Miss Someone So Much That U Just Wanna Pick ''Em From Ur Dreams n Hug ''Em For Real (=

157 chars (1 sms)

Each Day I am

Each Day I am Holding a Hope to
Welcome the Next Day.

You know Why?
Because I am Waiting for You.

Even though I''m Laughing
But you didn''t Try to See My Feelings.

My Pains And my Life Without You
Just See Once You will Realize Then,
How Much I do Love You?

272 chars (2 sms)

There was a beautiful

There was a beautiful girl named Rexona and a hand some boy named Cinthol, Rexona & cinthol fell in love with each other. Rexona parents were Hamam & Margo, cinthol parents were wheel & Nirma, Rexona was very excited to make cinthol his "Life Boy".

They wished to marry and approach their aunt 501 who mannages to convince them. Rexona & cinthol were very happy in thier love they fixed their marrige at " Fair & lovely " garden opposite to Santoor theatre, Medimix city.

They invited their friends Lux, Dove, Dettol, Savlon, Tide, Fa, Jo and others, Rexona and cinthol got married and lived Happily in their Dream land "PEARS" and after 1 year they got twins ''Johnson & Johnson''

688 chars (5 sms)



One day a boy asked his girlfriend 2 marry her.
the gal gave him a challenge to live a day with out her,
only them she will marry him. no communication was there
for 24hours.
the boy dont know that the gal has only 24 hours life
left.becoz she was ill. after 24 hrs the boy went to the gals
house holding a ring. he was shocked to know that she was dead.
she left a letter for him saying," U DID IT AND U CAN BE WITH OUT ME.DO IT EVERYDAY MY LOVE... MISS YOU....!"

510 chars (4 sms)

Small love story

Small love story......

Two butterflies love each day they
where playing hide n seek at nite. girl butterfly
says " A small game between us". she says "who
sits on this flower earlier in the mrg tomorrow,
that one loves the other most". then the boy
butterfly says ''OK''. next mrg she was waiting frm 4''o
clock.the flower opened... she found the boy
butterfly dead inside it, because he stayed there
the previous nite itself.
thats what true love.
LOVE IS LIFE, dont miss it.......

511 chars (4 sms)

There was a husband

There was a husband who daily sent his wife a rose wenevr he was out.1Day he died, still his wife recvd a rose everyday. She was shocked she asked florist he said that her husband had paid advance for her whole life. So luv some1 such that it remains 4evr....

260 chars (2 sms)

One day a boy

One day a boy asked his girlfriend 2 marry her.
the gal gave him a challenge to live a day with out her,
only them she will marry him.
no communication was there for 24hours.
the boy dont know that the gal has only 24 hours life left.
becoz she was ill.
after 24 hrs the boy went to the gals house holding a ring.
he was shocked to know that she was dead.
she left a letter for him saying,

478 chars (3 sms)

Though I don''t write

Though I don''t write
or call you
as often as I would like to
I spend time every day
thinking about you
Sometimes it is
a memory of something we shared
Other times it is
an incident in my life
that I imagine myself
telling you about
No matter what it is
in my mind
I write and call you every day
and I miss you

325 chars (3 sms)

It tks a min 2

It tks a min 2 find a special person,an hour 2 appreciate dem,a day 2 love dem,bt entire life 2 4get dem.U cant 4get me!

121 chars (1 sms)

Special reason for

There\''s no Special reason for this msg, I juz wanna steal a single moment out of ur busy life & hope I can
make u smile n say: I Miss U.

140 chars (1 sms)

I cant hide it 4rm

I cant hide it 4rm u anymore I dont want to hrt u I feel its best to tell u
before u hear it from someone else
its a lie that i miss u
really i jst feel u as a part of myself.

My Life...?
Without U...!

Khali-Khali hai na. (Empty)
!!! I MISS YOU !!!

283 chars (2 sms)

In my life I learned

In my life I learned how
2 love,
2 smile,
2 B happy,
2 B strong,
2 work hard,
2 B honest,
2 B faithful,
2 forgive.
But I couldn"t learn how 2 forget U...

163 chars (2 sms)

There"s no

There"s no Special reason for this msg,
I just wanna steal a single moment out of ur busy life
& hope I can make u smile n say: I Miss U.

140 chars (1 sms)

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