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Search Results for 'life'

Trust me

Trust me, that the Life is not a Life without You.

51 chars (1 sms)

The heart doesn''t forget

The heart doesn''t forget

those special people

for whom it cares,

though daily struggle of life

puts us a bit apart,

u r remembrd always

by this HEART.

169 chars (2 sms)

If YOU Have Love

If YOU Have Love
In YOUR Life,
It Can Make Up For A
Great Many Things
YOU Lack.
If YOU Don''t Have It,
No Matter What Else
There Is, It''s Not

161 chars (2 sms)

A Loving Relationship

A Loving Relationship Is One
In Which The Loved One Is Free To Be Himself -
To Laugh With Me, But Never At Me;
To Cry With Me,
But Never Because Of Me;
To Love Life, To Love Himself,
To Love Being Loved.
Such A Relationship Is Based Upon
Freedom And Can Never
Grow In A Jealous Heart.

294 chars (2 sms)

"life is nothing..

"life is nothing..
to love is something...

To love and beloved is everthing!!!""

85 chars (1 sms)

Cutest proposal ever

Cutest proposal ever by a boy :

"Do u hug ur teddy bear while sleeping at night?

Girl-" Yes "

Boy-Can i replace it for the rest of ur life? (-:

157 chars (1 sms)

Love Is Common

Love Is Common
Emotion That Comes
To Everyone

If You Get Whom
You Love
That''s Achievement


If You Get Who
Loves You
That''s Life ... :)

155 chars (1 sms)

If someone asks

If someone asks me.

what is life..?

I will just come close to you!

Take your hand in my hands!!

and then say!

Thats my life.

140 chars (1 sms)

Forever is not today

Forever is not today,

not tomorrow or a century

that will come,

but a lifetime.

And I promise to love you


132 chars (1 sms)

Love is like a

Love is like a knife,

it can stab the heart or

it can carve wonderful images

into the soul that will last a lifetime

126 chars (1 sms)

Two things never

Two things never defined in whole life,

1 is LOVE

bcoz u never know who LOVES u how much.

2nd Friend
bcoz u never know how deeply they care About U.

159 chars (1 sms)

Two things never

Two things never defined in whole life,

1 is LOVE

bcoz u never know who LOVES u how much.

2nd Friend
bcoz u never know how deeply they care About U.

159 chars (1 sms)



Perfect Love Isn''t Receiving,
Its Giving & Forgiving

Perfect Love Isn''t Red Roses On Valentine''s Day,
Its The Rest Of The 364 Days Of Knowing You Love Someone

Perfect Love Is Not Phone Calls & Stolen Kisses,
Its The Silent Smile In Memory Of Your Sweetheart

Perfect Love Isn''t A Grand Wedding,
But Spending A Lifetime Together

Perfect Love Isn''t Fight-kiss & Make-ups,
Its Loving The One Who Annoys The Hell Out Of You

461 chars (3 sms)

If You Have Love

If You Have Love In Your Life
It Can Make Up For A Great
Many Things You Lack.
If You Don''t Have It,
No Matter What Else There Is,
It''s Not Enough ...

158 chars (1 sms)

If Yur Heart Miss

If Yur Heart Miss S0me0ne,

If Yur Eyes Have Tears F0r S0me0ne,

If Yur Life Has Time & Space F0r S0me0ne,

Then Yu Realy L0VE That S0me0ne!

147 chars (1 sms)

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