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Search Results for 'life'

You Were A Revelation

You Were A Revelation
The Day I Saw You Standing
In The Distance
Your Hands Held Tight The Balcony
An Overcast Look Adorned Your Face
And For The Second Time In My Life
I Needed To Hold You
And Oh, How I Wanted To.
Forgive Me.

234 chars (2 sms)

Everythin In Life

Everythin In Life Cant Make U Happy.

Everythin In Day Cant Make U Satisfied.


There''s 1 Thing Wich Makes U Feel Nice,

Tht''s Love 4 U In Some1''s Eyes.

167 chars (2 sms)

I Was So Much

I Was So Much Lost In Love ,

When I Realized I Found That I Have Lost My Precious Time To Get Something Which Was Neither Mine Nor Matters To My Life

153 chars (1 sms)

I Will Work Hard

I Will Work Hard To Get You Back.
I Will Be The Best Person For You.
I Will Beat The Problems In My Life.
I Will Wait For You And Trust You That You Will Come Back.

168 chars (2 sms)

You Know You''re

You Know You''re

In Love When You

Don''t Wanna Go To Sleep

At Night Because

Your Life Is Better Than A Dream.

122 chars (1 sms)

They Say

They Say
"You Can Win Over Your Enemy By Love"


I Say
"Love Is The Biggest Enemy Of Life When It Hurts"

115 chars (1 sms)

Will U Love Me For

(Girl) :Will U Love Me For The Rest Of My Life?

(Boy) : No

I Will Love U For The Rest Of Mine . . .!!!

112 chars (1 sms)

I want to steal

I want to steal the colors of life
I want to touch the moon
I want to feel the fragrance of life
it''s my wish it''s my wish
I want to hear the voice of life
I want to be a ray of life....

194 chars (2 sms)

Luv Cums Again

Luv Cums Again N Again

4those Who Knw Wt "LIFE IS..! "


4those Who Know Wt "LOVE IS.

117 chars (1 sms)

A True Love Happens

A True Love Happens Only Once In D Life Time,

If It Fails,

Then Remaining Is Just A Compromise With Other 1 & With Our Life.

Sad Bt True!

146 chars (1 sms)

Love can be

Love can be

An Enemy or A Friend

It can be

A Poison or Remedy

It can

Kill or Give Life To Others

Use It Wisely ... =]

136 chars (1 sms)

A Life Filled with

A Life Filled with Love

Must Have Some Thorns ...


A Life Empty Of Love

Will Have No Roses ...

Remember It

125 chars (1 sms)

Everything In Life

Everything In Life Cant Make You Happy..
Everything In A Day Cant Make You Satisfied
But Therez One Thing Which Makes You Feel
Thats Love For You In Someone''s Eyes .. !!

182 chars (2 sms)

Life''s pearl

Life''s pearl:- Ven u start caring abt urself, u start loving smbody, But when u start caring about others, Somebody will start loving u..

139 chars (1 sms)

There''s Is 1 Moment

There''s Is 1 Moment In Your Life

Whn You''re Wid Some1 & You Feel Like

The World Has Stopped &

Your Life Seems So Perfect

Make Sure You

Never Lose Tht Prson (:

176 chars (2 sms)

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