Search Results for 'love'
Love is the strongest force the world
possesses, and yet it is the humblest
90 chars (1 sms)
Love is everything it‘s cracked up to be. That‘s why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don‘t risk everything, you risk even more.
213 chars (2 sms)
You got My love
You got My Promise
I'' ll be yours '' till the very end
Your my Swetheart
Your the ONE I"m looking for
This LOVE is unconditional
This LOVE will never fate
LOVE is the meaning of you
Your my ALL
Here''s a Heart that says:
I am yours FOREVER....
294 chars (2 sms)
Love ... is when u remain without words , without air , without past , when u dream with eyes wide open ... when u fly without wings ...
love ... non can define it ... but hopefully we all feel it .
204 chars (2 sms)
When you feel cold and warm at the same time,
when you read over the same line for the tenth time,
when your heart and thoughts somehow appear to rhyme,
and when a simple name conquers your whole mind,
then you are in deep trouble my friend...
you are in what they call, "love".
284 chars (2 sms)
I love u more than any thing in this universe,
I love u more than my soul.
I m nt interested in ur beauty
I love ur thoughts, ur nature, the moments when r along wd me.
I love ur smile, the thing I care most.
The words which I m going to say are not imaginary,
"Be mine Janu"
290 chars (2 sms)
Cheat and love
but dont love and cheat,
Think and love
but dont love and think
Break the heart and love
but don''t love and break the heart
Dnt ever leave the one u love for the one u like,
because the one u like will leave u for the one they love...
259 chars (2 sms)
An Act Ov LUV That Fails
Is Just As Much A Part Of The Divine Life
As An Act Of Love That Succeeds
For LUV Is
Measured By Fulness
Not By Reception
152 chars (1 sms)
Obstacle . . .
Reminder Of
How Strong
Can be . . . :)
139 chars (1 sms)
Most Relationships fail not because of the absence of love..
Love is always present..
Its just that, One loves too much,
and The other loves too many,
154 chars (1 sms)
I believe that God above created you for me to love.
He picked you out from all the rest cause He knew id love you the best
133 chars (1 sms)
Is iT PoSsIbLe FoR tHe RoSe To SaY “I’lL GiVe mY fRaGnAnCe To ThE GoOd PpL wHo SmELl Me, BuT I’lL wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”
iS It PosSiBlE fOr ThE LaMp To SaY “I’lL GiVe My LiGhT tO ThE GoOd PpL In ThIs RoOm, BuT I’Ll WiThHoLd It fRoM thE EvIl PpL?”
CaN A TrEe SaY, “I’lL GiVe My ShAdE tO tHe GoOd PpL wHo ReSt UnDeR mE, bUt I’Ll wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”
ThESe ArE iMaGeS Of wHaT lOve Is AbOuT
412 chars (3 sms)
Love is the expression of simplicity in emotion
The unattainable longing that comes so unexpectedly
With great subtlety and bliss
136 chars (1 sms)
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers'' eyes. Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers'' tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, a choking gall and a preserving sweet
~ William Shakespeare ~
253 chars (2 sms)
one word that frees
of all the
weight and pain in life
71 chars (1 sms)