Search Results for 'heart'
Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering.
As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.
240 chars (2 sms)
A loving relationship is one
in which the loved one is free to be himself
to laugh with me, but never at me;
to cry with me, but never because of me;
to love life, to love himself, to love being loved.
Such a relationship is based upon freedom
can never grow in a jealous heart.
~Author Unknown
299 chars (2 sms)
Heart says 2 eyes do not see more because
you see and i suffer, eyes answered 2 heart
do not think more because you feel and I cry,
that’s the relationship..
157 chars (1 sms)
A house is built by hands..
but a home is built by hearts !
u can live without something..
if u hav someone to live for !
150 chars (1 sms)
My Nights r going SleepLess,
My Days r going UseLes,
I hv becom SpeachLess,
I asked My Heart;
is it Love?
Heart replied
"Na Putr Paper a gaye ne.."
152 chars (1 sms)
Don’t say “go away”
if your heart is saying a wise “I forgive”
Don’t say “I forgive”
when your heart is saying a wise “go away”
128 chars (1 sms)
I Love You Today
As I Did From The Start.
I'll Love You Forever
With All of My Heart.
86 chars (1 sms)
Words From Broken Heart:
" I Said My Heart Is Urs..
I Didnt Say..
That U Have The Right To Break It..!!
135 chars (1 sms)
if I met you on tomorrow I would still give you my heart If you should say, "do you still love me?" I'd say, "Till death do us part"Happy Anniversary
150 chars (1 sms)
The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched,
they must be felt with the heart
Good morning and have a beautiful day :-)
156 chars (1 sms)
People don't always need advice.
Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold,
an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them.
These line are really very heart touching,
sometime we should understand the condition.
Good Morning
236 chars (2 sms)
Romantic Conversation: Boy : " call me sweetu "
Girl : " sweetu " Boy : " call me sweet heart "
Girl : " sweet heart " Boy : " call me honey "
Girl : " honey "
. Boy : "abey, jahil ki bachi, call
kr na "
Girl : " oh acha "
237 chars (2 sms)
I LOVE U are words just three, which mean so much on our ANNIVERSARY. so this is what i want to say, live in my heart n there 4 ever stay!
138 chars (1 sms)
Rose Is Famous For Grace.
Advocate Is Famous For His Case.
Horses r Famous For Race.
But u Are Famous For Smile On Your
So keep smiling sweetheart........
165 chars (2 sms)
Find arms that'll hold you at your
Eyes that will see you at your ugliest;
Heart that will love you at your worst.
And if you have found it, you've found
true love!
178 chars (2 sms)