Search Results for 'long'
Memories sometimes
behave in a crazy way....
They leave you alone when
you are in a crowd....
& when you are alone they
stand along with you like a
167 chars (2 sms)
Relationship Is Not How Long U Have Been Together
Not How Much U Have Given Or Received
Not How Many Times U Have Helped Each Other
Its How U
One Another
179 chars (2 sms)
No & Yes are the words which need a long thought.
Most of the troubles in life are the result of saying Yes too soon or No too late.
135 chars (1 sms)
MeMoRiEs SoMeTiMeS BeHaVe In a CrAzY WaY . . .
TheY Leave u AlOnE wHeN u ArE In A CrOwD . . .
WhEn U aRe aLoNe ThEy StAnD AlOnG U LiKe A CrOwD . . .
156 chars (1 sms)
Way To Live . . .
Do All Da Good U Can
By All Means U Can
At All Da Time U Can
In Aal Da Places U Can
To All Da People U Can
As Long As Ever U Can
165 chars (2 sms)
Time is too slow 4 those who wait, too swift 4 those who fear, too long 4 those who grieve, too short 4 those rejoice but 4 those who have true friend like u time is eternity.
176 chars (2 sms)
In the central place of every heart
there is a recording chamber.
So long as it receives a message
of beauty, hope, cheer, and courage --
so long are you young.
When the wires are all down
and our heart is covered
with the snow of pessimism
and the ice of cynicism,
then, and only then,
are you grown old.
315 chars (2 sms)
Trust is like an elastic
being stretch by two people.
As long as u hold on it,
ul be happy.
The moment one leaves,
the other gets the terrible pain.
164 chars (2 sms)
-2 tablets of luv
-2 tablets of care
-Syrup of Smile
Twice daily..
My fees:one sms wenevr u think about me!
154 chars (1 sms)
If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?”
138 chars (1 sms)
MeMoRiEs r tReAsUrEd,
No oNe cAn StEaL.
PaRtInG Is hEaRtAcHe,
nO oNe cAn HeAl.
SoMe''ll fOrGoT u wHeN u R gOnE,
BuT I''ll r3m3mb3r u No MaTteR HoW lOnG.....
162 chars (2 sms)
Late BEd Wakings
Slight Breakfasts
Bus Stand Figures Food Board travel
Late Attendence
Long Intervals
Sharing Canteen Food
Many Proposals
Mobile In SIlent Mode
Late Nite Chats
Some Missunderstandings
Correcting Friends
For Examx Micro Slips
Struggle For Marks
Prestige In Arrears
Mass Bunk
Saturday Date
Enjoying Arguments
Freshers Wid Fear
Farewell Wid Tears
461 chars (3 sms)
Some of the best moments in life:-
Lying in bed listening to the rain outside...
Thinking about the person you love...
A long drive on a calm road...
Finding money in your old jeans just when you need it...
Giggling over silly jokes...
Holding hands with a friend...
Getting a hug from someone who loves u...
The moment your eyes fill with tears after a big laugh...
Wishing you these moments in your life always..!
425 chars (3 sms)
It Was An Ordinary Day
I Was Caught In My Routine When
Suddenly Something Made Me Think Of You.
I Paused For A Moment N Smiled.
It Was No Longer An Ordinary Day…
165 chars (2 sms)
Dear God, I
Don''t need
Lots of
Freinds As long as Real ones stay With me,
So bless Them all, Especially the Sweetest One reading this. . . |''!''|
152 chars (1 sms)