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\= = = A BeAutIfUl ThOuGhT = = =/

\= = = A BeAutIfUl ThOuGhT = = =/

U mAy tHiNk thAt TiMe MaKeS pEoPLe fOrgEt.. BuT tHe LoNgEr thE TimE pEoPLe SpEnD aPaRt, thE mOrE iT MakEs tHEm REMEMBER eAcH oThEr…

170 chars (2 sms)

\=== ToDaYzZz ThOuGhT ===/

\=== ToDaYzZz ThOuGhT ===/

No & Yes are the words which need a
long thought. Most of the troubles in life
are the result of saying Yes too soon or
No too late

165 chars (2 sms)

||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

NoThInG MaKeS ThE EaRtH SeEm So SpAcIoUs
As To haVe A fRiEnD At A DiStAncE . . .
tHeY mAkE ThE LatItUdEs AnD LoNgItUdE. .

157 chars (1 sms)

|| LuVlY ThOuGhT ||

|| LuVlY ThOuGhT ||

It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations

258 chars (2 sms)

{( tOdaYZ tHouGhT )}

{( tOdaYZ tHouGhT )}

Wen we see our beloved one after a long gap,

we want to share many things.

but smile & tears r d first one we share.

Dat''s real affection.

173 chars (2 sms)

][ ToDaYzZz tHoUgHt ][

][ ToDaYzZz tHoUgHt ][

Learn from the mistakes of others.

You can''t live long enough to make them all yourself.

121 chars (1 sms)

The moment you

The moment you think of giving up,
think of the reason why you held so long.
DO or DIE is an old saying, DO IT BEFORE YOU DIE is the new one..

145 chars (1 sms)

The Flames Of Faith

The Flames Of Faith
We Need
To Walk Along
The Outer Road ...

The Sun Of Faith
We Need
To Run The Length Of
The Inner Road ....

137 chars (1 sms)

NO & YES R 2

NO & YES R 2
Short Words Which Need A Long Thought

Most Of D Troubles In Lyf R D

Results Of Sayin YES

Too Soon

NO Too Late.

137 chars (1 sms)

// 2day''s Thought//

// 2day''s Thought//

" V Judge Ourselves By Wht V Feel
Capable Of Doing,
While Other''s Judge Us
By Wht V Hve Already Dne "

{{ HenNry LongFellow }}

159 chars (1 sms)

The Rain Falls Because

The Rain Falls Because The Sky

Can No Longer Handle Its Heaviness,

Just Like The Tears,

It Falls Because The

Heart Can No

Longer Handle The Pain

160 chars (1 sms)

Hello, wakup,

Hello, wakup, Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING"
wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with
a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!

171 chars (2 sms)

It"s time for me to mak

It"s time for me to make a wish for U.... (wishin) ...
(wishin) ... done ! Do u know what I asked 4? I asked God to
make u happy all day long. Goodmorning

156 chars (1 sms)

May you rise each

May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone
in your hand,Inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart,
And a clear signal all day long. Good Morning & Nice day!

183 chars (2 sms)

On the canvas of life

we often go off colour, but as long as
people like u are there to add the right shades, life goes on to
be a rainbow! Gud Morning.

133 chars (1 sms)

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