Search Results for 'life'
Birth is first of life,
beauty is art of life,
death is last of life,
friend ship is heart of life
102 chars (1 sms)
1day I may die
wiTout sayng
gud bye2 U!
Bt I''ll nevr
4get2 say
Bcoz U hve givn
me 1of loveliest
friendship ever in
my life!
143 chars (1 sms)
S0 many talks on a issue..
S0 much fun of a singl inn0cent frnd..
S0 many frndz on 1bench..
S0 much laugtr on 1stupd j0ke..
S0 many callz n smsz on birthday nite..
S0 many hugs for 0ne littl w0rry..
S0 much luv for jst 1pers0n..
S0 many tearz for 0ne little fight..
Really!! "frndz r da best part of our small life"
... L0ve y0u !!
341 chars (3 sms)
I Believe
As Diamonds Are Forever
Friends Are Also Forever
When They Are There Make You Smile
When You Are Going Through A Mile
Friends Are Like Flowers
Whose Fragnance Add Essence To Your Life
As A Dictionary Without Words Is Meaningless
Similarly Your Life Without Friends Is Meaningless
As Words Build Sentences
Your World Is Built By Your FRIENDS (:
374 chars (3 sms)
*Best Buddies*
are hard to find..
So Today I choose to thank u 4 evrytime U made me smile, laugh,
4 evrytime U helped,
wiped a tear
I apologize 4 any inconvenience I caused,
4 evrytime I was rude,
4 anything that hurt U..
Thank U for being a great part of My Small Life :)
283 chars (2 sms)
Life''s Most Deepest
Feelings Are Often
Express In Silence
The One Who Can Read
Volumes From Your
Silence ..
Is Your True
Companion ... :)
151 chars (1 sms)
Friendship Is A Lifelong Incurable Disease
Happy Heart
Lots Of Laughs
Few Fights
Couple Of Tears
Some Hugs n
Many Pointless Convrsations Via Sms Or Calls
If You''ve Any Of d Above Symptoms, Don''t Panic
Just Turn 2 GOD n Thank HIM 4 Blessing You Wid d Best Illness Of d World (=
300 chars (2 sms)
Have u ever THANKED frnds.
For their smiles?
Their hellos?
Their taps at ur back?
Their way of calling ur name?
Imagine ur friends never doing tht anymore,
could u bear it?
"small things usually go unoticed,
but in reality,
they are the ones who make life look so easy n cheerful:
"I THANK YOU 2 my dear" :-)
323 chars (3 sms)
For My Friends
You All r My
Strength, My Power,
My Belief, My
Imagination, My
Above all, You All r
The Back Bone Of My
Life & I m Proud That
You r A Part Of It ... :)
191 chars (2 sms)
Diz Is SpEcIaLy For You
If your heart is broken tell me, I''ll get the glue =P
If you are lost in life call me, I''ll come find you (=
If you''re sad =( please just text me, it''s my obligation to make you smile =)
If you''re happy let me know =D We''ll celebrate in a unique style. ;->
316 chars (2 sms)
TwO things are impOrtant in Our life.!.
First One,
yOu shOuld make.!
SecOnd One,
yOu shOuld kEEp.!
125 chars (1 sms)
Fights 4 Friends,
Joyful trips,
Exam fever,
Suspense of result,
Insufficient Money,
...Parody of teachers,
Bunking classes,
Gossip about affairs,
Carefree laugh,
All time cafe,
This is our Student life....
The best period of the life :D
248 chars (2 sms)
May U May Not Get Well That Soon.
So That U Are Able To Enjoy The
Company Of The Demsels And Get Injected At Regular Intervals With
The Vial Of Life!
So Would U Call Me Your Enemy Or Ur Well Wisher?
Please Tell Me Even I Don''t Know.
245 chars (2 sms)
Every bad situation will have something positive...
Even a stopped Clock is correct twice a day...Think of
this & lead ur life....Good LUCK....
146 chars (1 sms)
All you need in the life is ignorance and confidence and
then success is sure. Good luck.
91 chars (1 sms)