Search Results for 'broken'
Burning pain
Misery and tears
My heart torn by broken promises
Your lies echo through my mind
No place to run
No place to hide
I try to ignore my pain
Daily my tears flow
My beauty marred
My spirit crushed
Your anger
Your criticism
Your violence
I can do no right
I try to please, to make things acceptable
For you
To no avail
How to end my suffering
There is no respite
By you, my deep love forgotten
There are others who fill your thoughts
Who make you smile
481 chars (4 sms)
How come I don''t know my own pain?
I''m the doctor and the remedy myself.
I wandered around the universe.
For the friend''s sake I have broken my heart.
Oh poor me! I didn''t know
I ''m the beloved and the lover myself.
Mazun, I made myself degraded.
I chose to be in love.
I gave my sole to the beloved.
Soul myself, devotee myself.
352 chars (3 sms)
Friendship is like a glass
handle it with care
because once broken cannot be mended
and even if mended....
a crack is always there !!!
139 chars (1 sms)
I may have forgotten to say that I care. I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won''t be broken.
161 chars (2 sms)
People say relations are made in heaven, but some get broken up here on Earth called Hell. But I got a friend like U, here in hell and made my life HEAVEN.
155 chars (1 sms)
A friend is...
A tissue when you can''t stop crying
A shoulder when you feel like dying
Always listens when you have something
to say a week when you just need a day
A crutch when you have a broken heart
Some glue when everything falls apart
A sun when the rain just won''t stop
Your Mom when you run into a cop
phone call when you can''t leave your
Hand when you feel all alone
Wing if you want to fly
Understands without knowing why
An earfor a secret to tell
An aspirin when you feel unwell
A love that can never let go
I cherish those moments of our
frienship I shared with You...
608 chars (4 sms)
Light, Love, and Laughter...
A friend is light,
bright enough to conquer
the darkness of broken heart,
bringing sunshine to the soul,
making the whole world seem bright and hopeful.
A friend is love,
a special blessing from above,
bringing warmth to a heart grown cold,
making life a grand and exciting adventure.
A friend is laughter,
a gift of joy,
leaving behind a smile
and erasing all traces of woe,
making everything seem shiny and new.
463 chars (3 sms)
A Broken Star Asked Me To Choose A Million Dollars & A Nice Friend.
It Took Me A Second In Choosing Million Dollars. Why? Bcoz I Already Have You . . . . . ;->
163 chars (2 sms)
In The Heart
Are The Worst
Residents ...
1- They Capture
The Heart
(Qabza Group)
2- They Pay
No Rent
3- They Don''t
Vacant Easily
4- When They
The Place,
Is Broken
235 chars (2 sms)
"i thought u r very busy
so dint disturb u"
dis is d main reason behind most broken friendships...
so keep disturbing ur frnds as i did!!!
148 chars (1 sms)
Diz Is SpEcIaLy For You
If your heart is broken tell me, I''ll get the glue =P
If you are lost in life call me, I''ll come find you (=
If you''re sad =( please just text me, it''s my obligation to make you smile =)
If you''re happy let me know =D We''ll celebrate in a unique style. ;->
316 chars (2 sms)
When true friendship blinds 2 indivisuals together,
That bond can never be broken
For in times of confusion,
Ill be there to listen you.
In the time of sadness,
Ill be there to console you.
In the times of anger,
Ill be there to talk with you.
Even when you are confused,sad or anything.
Search your heart and I will be there.
I am and always be your friend.
379 chars (3 sms)
If an egg is broken from outside , a life comes to an end
when the egg breaks from within , a life is born
Great n good things need to happen from within...!
160 chars (1 sms)
Words & Heart Are The 2 Things
To Be Handled With Care.
Because Words Once
Spoken And Heart Once
Broken Are D
Hardest Things To Retain Again
158 chars (1 sms)
Big Fights Usually Break RELATIONS
MINOR Misunderstandings
The Fact Is
SPOILED Relations Are More Painful Then BROKEN ONES ...
167 chars (2 sms)