Search Results for 'life'
I said to God that " I Hate Life !! "
God replied "Who asked you to love life?? ........
Just Love me and Life will be beautiful!"
133 chars (1 sms)
Whatever happens 2 ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a problem 2 b solved but a gift 2 b enjoyed. Make Everyday ur best day!
147 chars (1 sms)
Alwayz B Happy
Alwayz Wear A Smile
Not Because Life Is Full Of Reasons To Smile . . .
But Because Ur Smile Itself Is A Reason For Many Others Smile . . . :)
160 chars (1 sms)
LiFe Is LiKe PiAnO . . .
WhItE KeYs RePrESeNt HaPpInEsS & BlAcK OnEs ShoWs SaDnEsS . . .
BuT As U Go ThRoUgH LiFe . . .
ReMeMbEr ThAt
ThE BlAcK KeYs MaKe MuSiC ToO . . .
174 chars (2 sms)
As we sail thru life, don’t avoid Storms & Rough waters, just let it Pass... Sail on! Bcoz calm seas will never make Skilled Sailors.
133 chars (1 sms)
look at the SUN
you c TIME..
look in the HEART
you c LOVE..
look in the EYES
you c LIFE..
look at ur MOBILE
c who''s
154 chars (1 sms)
The value of life does not depend on the length of time on this Earth but rather on the amount of love given and shared to the people we care about.
149 chars (1 sms)
Never say gud bye 2 sum1 who luvs u..
Never say thanx who really needs u..
Never blame a person who really trusts u..
Never 4get a person who think u as LIFE
161 chars (2 sms)
Play The Game Of Life With The Attitude Of
Not Wid The Attitude Of
(Think About It, It Makes ALot Difference)
158 chars (1 sms)
Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry… Grudges, Sadness, Pain, Fear and Regrets. Life is beautiful, Enjoy it.
133 chars (1 sms)
Never break 3 things in ur life,
Because when they break,
they don''t make noise,
But they give pain a lot....
152 chars (1 sms)
Its good to value the things money can buy,but its good,too,to check once in a while and make sure that you havent lost the precious things in life that money cant buy
168 chars (2 sms)
Feelings r many but words r few,
Clouds r dark but sky is blue,
Luv is a paper,
Life is glue,
Every thing is false,
Only my luv is true.
142 chars (1 sms)
Realize things before its too late.
Have lots of friends before you are alone.
Accept things rather than deny them.
Love people before you loose them.
Life comes just once.
Love it while you live it.
207 chars (2 sms)
There wil cme a day in ur life,
dat u wil think u r alone,
u wil b hurt by ur admires,
u wil cry 4 me,
i shall nt hear u,
i shall b beyound the galaxies, out of ur reach,
i pray to GOD that such a day,should never cme in ur life,but im worried about my prayers,
bcoz most of my prayarsr un answerd
317 chars (2 sms)