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Search Results for 'life'

Widout me know

Widout me,I know u wud still b complete,

widout me u can still go on,

widout me u can still liv ur life,

bt since I m here,

I hope I make a difference.: -)

167 chars (2 sms)

Although water

Although water falls from a hill,

it never thinks it had fallen,

it raises to run as a river.

Our glory in life is not falling

but to raise at every fall.

166 chars (2 sms)

Without Crossing The

Without Crossing The Worst Situations,

No One Can Touch The Best Corners Of Life.

So Always Taste Worst Situation

For The Best Results.

145 chars (1 sms)

Life Is A

Life Is A

Unique Combination Of

"Want to" And "How to"


We Need To Give Equal Attention To Both.

112 chars (1 sms)

Don''t Expect Anything

Don''t Expect Anything
frm Life Expectations Hurt
When u Don''t Expect
Every Moment,Every thing

is a Surprise& Every Surprise Brings Happiness

148 chars (1 sms)

B Satisfied With

B Satisfied With LIFE & Always

Unsatisfied With The

RESULTS You Produce.

Thats The

Best Way

To Keep

Growing & Discover

Our Hidden Potential.

167 chars (2 sms)

An Arrow Can Be

An Arrow Can Be Shot

Only By Pulling It


So Whenever Life Pulls U


Dont Worry.

It''s Going 2 Lead

U Forward To Victory.

155 chars (1 sms)

You Cannot Finish

You Cannot Finish The
Book Of Life
Without Closing It''s
If You Want To Go On ...


You Have To Leave
The Past As You Turn
The Pages ...

161 chars (2 sms)

We Only Live Once

We Only Live Once
Once Is Enuf
If V Do It Rite
Live Ur Life Wid Class,
Dignity And Style
So That An
Rather Than A Question
Mark Signifies It !

169 chars (2 sms)

Life Is A Paradox

Life Is A

Whatever U Want,
U Don''t Get

Whatever U Get,
U Don''t Enjoy

Whatever U Enjoy,
Is Not Permanent

Whatever Is Permanent,
Is Boring ...! :)

172 chars (2 sms)

Imagine All The

Imagine All The People
Living Life In Peace
You May Say ...
"I m A Dreamer"
I m Not The Only One
I Hope Someday
You''ll Join Us
World Will Be As One ... :)

171 chars (2 sms)

If An Egg Is Broken

If An Egg Is Broken Due 2 OUTSIDE Force Inside Life END''s

If It Breaks Frm Inside Life Begins

GREAT Things Alwys Begin Frm Inside

137 chars (1 sms)

Limitations Live Only

Limitations Live Only In Our Minds ,
If We Use Our Imaginations !
Our Possibilities Become Limitless.
And Life is To

144 chars (1 sms)

Two Great Days

Two Great Days In Human Life:

"1.The Day We Were Born &

2.The Day We Prove Why We Born"

94 chars (1 sms)

There Are Only Two

There Are Only Two
Things You "Have To"
Do In Life ...

You "Have To" Die ...


You "Have To" Live
Until You Die ...

You Make Up
All The Rest ...

163 chars (2 sms)

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