Search Results for 'Apology'
4 Hardest Tasks on Earth are
Neither Physical nor Intellectual Feats but
They are Spiritual Ones:
To Return Love for Hate.
To Include the Excluded.
To Forgive Without Apology.
To be Able to say I Was Wrong.
221 chars (2 sms)
Your birthcertificate is an apology letter from the condom
69 chars (1 sms)
A Good Apology Has 3 Parts!
1) I''m Sorry
2) It''s My Fault
3) What Can I Do To Make It Right.
But,Most Of The People Misses The 3rd Part.
148 chars (1 sms)
Sincere apology: If u dont like any of my SMS & Don t like 2 read, Or if my msgs disturb u Then plz don t hesitate, Feel free to THROW UR MOBILE OUT !!
151 chars (1 sms)
''Sincere Apology:
If u dont like n e of my SMS or dont like 2 read or if my msgs disturb u
then plz dont hesitate feel free 2 Throw Ur Mobile!!''
148 chars (1 sms)
Sincere Apology: If u dont like any of my SMS n dont like 2 read,
then plz dont hesitate,
feel free to..... throw ur mobile!!
128 chars (1 sms)