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Amazing Home Remedies

Amazing Home Remedies

A Mousetrap placed on
top of Ur alarm clock wl
prevent U from rolling over
n going back to sleep
after U hit the alarm off ..

Have a bad Tooth Ache ?
Smash Ur Thumb with a
Hammer n U wl 4get abt
the Tooth Ache ..

For High Blood Pressure
Simply cut Urself n bleed
for a few minutes, thus
reducing Pressure in
Veins ..

If U ''ve Bad Cough ?
Take a large dose of
Jamal-Gota then U wl b
afraid to cough ... ;)

466 chars (3 sms)
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Bebas Ker Deti Hai Mujhy

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aaj ka sawal prime m

Tang Aa K Jab Hum Wafa


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ng Is Possible

Q: What is the Indian

pathan namaz parhnay gya

1 Pathan Ko Kisi Ne Kaha

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