Search Results for 'King '
|| PeArL oF tHe DaY ||
The Intellect Is Better Than Desire
Intellect Makes U A King Over Ur Destiny
Desire Makes U a Slave Of Ur Destiny ...
156 chars (1 sms)
Never B Proud Nor Depressd
4 Wat U R & D Position U Hold In Society!
Wen D Game Of CHESS Is Over,
Both KING & PAWNS Go In Same Box!
154 chars (1 sms)
''''The greatest advantage
of speaking truth is that
you don''t have to remember
what you said.....''''
Think about it..:-)..!!
Have ur own... ;->
166 chars (2 sms)
We Always Work 4 Making Better 2morrow
Wen 2morrow Comes
Instead Of Enjoying It
We Again Start Thinking 4 Better 2morrow
2morrow Never Comes dear!
Enjoy Today !! =]
180 chars (2 sms)
||- Beautiful Thought -||
"Being silent is a very powerful
tool 4 making others feel for
their mistakes.
It speaks many languages"
139 chars (1 sms)
They Says That:
"Walking is Good for Health"
Have U Ever Seen Any Postman
Beating A Truck Driver?
112 chars (1 sms)
" T r u t h "
Hurts ...
There''s No Harm In
Speaking Small
" L i e s "
Which Makes One
" H a p p y " (:
116 chars (1 sms)
Hurting someone is as easy as cutting a tree
Making someone happy is difficult and time-taking
As like as growing a tree
It takes a lot of time....
156 chars (1 sms)
L%k out$ide,it$ $o plea$ent* Sun is $miling 4 U* Tree$ dancing
4 U* $tanrs $inging 4 U* $ky praying 4 U* Cloud$ l%king 4 U* & ME
mi$$ing & waiting 4 ur msg or call.Good Morning
179 chars (2 sms)
I was on a ship thinking of U... wen I looked down, I dropped a
tear into the ocean.. Then I promised myself that untill someone
notfinds it, I won"t forget U...
Good Morning
178 chars (2 sms)
Gud morning.........Kindly observe SILENCE for 2 minutes in
the memory of of of those poor mosquitoes who died last night
after sucking ur blood.THANKS
154 chars (1 sms)
One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts
that somewhere, Someone cares enough to send a warm morning
greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day!
164 chars (2 sms)
hi,if thr day,here it should b nit.if thr black,here should
b dont forget me,wethr it is both,cos im always
thinking of u.good morning
143 chars (1 sms)
U may think that I forgot u. U may think that I don"t care,
And U may think that I"m not thinking of u. Well, you"re wrong.
You"re still in My Dreams.
153 chars (1 sms)
A day may start or end without a message from me,
but believe me it won"t start or end without me thinking of u...
Gud Morning!
130 chars (1 sms)