Search Results for 'love'

Friends Are The Easiest Thing To Find , But A Best Friend Is As Precious As A DIAMOND ..... Rare And Shining !!!!! This Album to all my Lovely friends

by mahmood (few years ago!)
Love comes to those who still hope even though they’ve been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they’ve been betrayed, to those who still love even though they’ve been hurt before.

by mahmood (few years ago!)
Let yourself go within the deep abyss of love that is hidden in all of us

by (few years ago!)
Life is Beautiful only for those who think Love is Beautiful

by (few years ago!)
Love comes to those who still hope even though they’ve been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they’ve been betrayed, to those who still love even though they’ve been hurt before

by dracula (few years ago!)
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.~~Buddha

by dracula (few years ago!)
Love hurts whenyou breakup with someone. Hurts even more when someone breaks up with you But love hurts the most, when the person you love has no idea how you feel.. !

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
So many people fall in love with the wrong person, simply because the wrong person will often say all the right things they wanna hear about.

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
Admitting LOVE ain't dat difficult ... Most difficult is convincing the person ur in love with ..

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
Laugh when you can Apologize when you should Let go of what you can't change Love deeply, forgive quickly Take chances on everything Forgive and forget and always remember that life goes on.

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
Respect and love are the only things in life you have to earn; you can steal the rest.

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
"Love is the understanding between two person, not the patience of one person"

by mahmood (few years ago!)
"Attraction is the temporary love..." BUT "Love is the permanent attraction..." Just a game of words but makes lot of difference in life"

by mahmood (few years ago!)
" The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance . . ." Brian Tracy

by dracula (few years ago!)
Respect and love are the only things in life you have to earn; you can steal the rest.

by dracula (few years ago!)
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