Belief; 526 Likes

What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true within limits to be found exponentially and experimentally. These limits are beliefs to be transcended.

by (few years ago!)
People believe that it's hard to forgive. Well I say, to forgive is easier than learning to trust again.

by (few years ago!)
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.

by (few years ago!)
I've lived my life believing the problems should be complicated, not solutions

by (few years ago!)
If faith is believing in the unseen then why am i been judge by my appearance

by (few years ago!)
Believe in and actively pursue your dreams, for if you have dreamt it, haven’t you already been there once

by (few years ago!)
If u want perform better than you have to believe in yourself.

by (few years ago!)
The moment you start believing in yourself, the moment others start believing in you

by (few years ago!)
Believing without confessing is far more potent than confessing without believing

by (few years ago!)
Believe in yourself,Believe in your dreams and success will follow Through your foot prints.Remember the journey of life ends with Dearth.and yours shall continue while you still live

by (few years ago!)
You may think you die the moment your life ends. You may be mistaken. You actually die the moment you believe or act living forever

by (few years ago!)
It's a strong belief, formed out of experience, in the minds of parents from this part of the world(India) that a daughter is the only person they could rely on at their worst times

by (few years ago!)
Your strength depends on the strength of your belief

by (few years ago!)
A believers beliefs are only disbelief, in others beliefs. To truly believe, you must first truly disbelieve; believing your belief is true, and others beliefs are unbelievable

by (few years ago!)
Believing in oneself is an important step to achieving but it is only one part. Action and continuous improvement completes puzzle

by (few years ago!)

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