Search Results for 'love'

The time passes by, today goes away. But my love for you will always stay

by (few years ago!)
LOVE, it doesn't just make the World go round... it makes it very enjoyable

by (few years ago!)
Positive energy/Love is all there is! If you are not feeling it, it is only because you are not letting it in! Your mind is the door... Open It

by (few years ago!)
This moment is all we will ever have, treat it with Love & Gratitude & you will have more Loving moments to be Grateful for!

by (few years ago!)
Communication the Fuel ~ Passion the Fire ~ LOVE the Result! = Happy Healthy Relationship

by (few years ago!)
LOVE is blind... but You need eye's of love to see it

by (few years ago!)
LOVE... you have to let it out to let it in

by (few years ago!)
I don't think anyone can exactly explain what Love is, but everyone knows when they are Feeling IT

by (few years ago!)
Love with passion what you do… Success is the natural result of that love!

by (few years ago!)
Learn how to speak in Love! Your heart will teach you the only language we can all understand

by (few years ago!)
Feel the love of that happy space you carry within wherever you go: HOME

by (few years ago!)
Let’s always feel love for those who may seem in need… never pity

by (few years ago!)
Have you ever realized the infinite nature of love? Let’s give it away! It is unlimited!

by (few years ago!)
How is it that one must live? Fully! How is it that one must love? Deeply

by (few years ago!)
“Let your heart say “I Love You”? It should be the most spoken affirmation of the day… I love you

by (few years ago!)
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