Search Results for 'love'

When love is extremely near death, we do desperate and unforgivable even regrettable behaviors we wish we would not have done. We must respect love for it to last

by (few years ago!)
If I can trust you with my love, you can trust me with your truth.

by (few years ago!)
Love is forever....but friendship lasts longer

by (few years ago!)
Love is forever....but friendship lasts longer

by (few years ago!)
To find love is the most wonderful feeling so when you have got it don't let it go

by (few years ago!)
The one who loves needs no other mirrors

by (few years ago!)
I love you too much to spoil the immortality of a feeling with fleeting lust

by (few years ago!)
The loved one is all that, by being missed, completes us. Alone, everyone's essence lacks it

by (few years ago!)
life is to be looked at, liked, loved, learn t, and LIVED

by (few years ago!)
To live is to look at what life is looking for. To be is to be who inst being. To loose is to get what your not want in..... But to win, is to live life and love what you hate

by (few years ago!)
Courage is not measured in strength of arms, but in strength of mind and love of heart

by (few years ago!)
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful

by Zaid Mughal (few years ago!)
Love the heart that hurts you, but never hurt the heart that loves you.

by Zaid Mughal (few years ago!)
love grows on the part of those who know it

by (few years ago!)
Love goes to those who love

by (few years ago!)
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