Search Results for 'love'

If you love somebody and u can’t tell it its because you don’t really love that person

by (few years ago!)
Lovers are like cats - if you show them the door they won't go, but if you leave it ajar they'll vanish

by (few years ago!)
One thing I can say - is whether you love me or hate me, you will remember me

by (few years ago!)
I am who I am and that's all that I am... Perfect in the most imperfect sense. I live, I love, I laugh, I cry - I am human

by (few years ago!)
Love The People Who Loves U Bcoz They Like Something In U Develope It Love The People Who Hates U Bcoz They Hate Something In U Change It

by HUSSAIN (few years ago!)
There Is No Diffrence Between Complete And Finish But When U Love A Right Person U R Complete And When U Love A Wrong Person U R Finish

by HUSSAIN (few years ago!)
To Love Someone Is A Natural Instinct To Be Loved By Someone Is Luck To Live With Someone U Love Is Achievement To Live With Someone Who Loves U Is Life

by HUSSAIN (few years ago!)
The Person Who Loves You A Lot Will Always Do Two Things Extremely For You 1: Silently Caring 2: Openly Hurting To Make You Perfect

by HUSSAIN (few years ago!)
love is much like a red roze.beautiful to look at,but ready to draw blood in its defence.

by HUSSAIN (few years ago!)
We think there is enough time to LIVE, But we never know which moment is d last, So Share, Care, Love & Celebrate every Moment Of LIFE.

by HUSSAIN (few years ago!)
"Love doesn't make the world go round: love is what makes the ride worthwhile"

by mahmood (few years ago!)
Simple truth of present: if u dont want to know whats pain, don't love anyone truely. If someone loves you truly, never show them whats pain.

by mahmood (few years ago!)
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.

by mahmood (few years ago!)
God's most precious work of art is the warmth and love of a grandmother's heart....

by dracula (few years ago!)
If the eye is a window to the soul then the heart is the doorway to love...

by dracula (few years ago!)
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