Zulfikar Mirza has again hit the ball out of the park. In an interview to a private channel, Zulfikar Mirza has exposed the Ayyan Zardari scandal and has said that Ayyan was actually doing money laundering for the former President Asif Ali Zardari. Now that is some very shocking news. It’s not shocking to hear the name of Asif Zardari in the money laundering racket, as he is a veteran of that, but to know that supermodel like Ayyan Ali was a beautiful mule of Zardari. Rehman Malik, the former interior minister and sidekick of Zardari and his brother are just the front-men.

It is being said that this is not the first time that Ayyan Ali was taking money abroad. She was routinely doing these sort of sojourns in the previous era of PPP, and was quite adept at that. She was under impression that things will be same this time too, but it was her back luck that she got caught and media got the whiff of it. Zulfikar Mirza has said that Ayyan Ali used to visit Zardari at night every day and she spent the night with him and then she left at dawn under heavy protocol and armed private and police guards. She was one of the most powerful girls during former PPP era. Zulfikar Mirza hinted that she wasn’t doing this for free or as a charity, rather her rates were very high. To put icing on the cake, Zulfikar Mirza also hinted that there is a complete ring and team of supermodels in Pakistan who launder the money and other stuff for the influential people and Ayyan Ali is not alone here.