Search Results for 'love'

Love is forever, and if it doesn't last forever it isn't love.

by (few years ago!)
Falling in love can change everything forever.

by (few years ago!)
I want to share all my love with you, no one else will do. And your eyes, they tell me how much you care, you will always be my endless love.

by (few years ago!)
There is only one thing that lasts longer than time, and that is true love.

by (few years ago!)
Thank you for your love because now, I've thought of somebody who I could be with forever.

by (few years ago!)
Love is everything ... it's life itself, never ending, unconditional and never the same.

by (few years ago!)
Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.

by (few years ago!)
Don't compare our love to the flowers that only bloom on summer, instead, compare it to the river that flows forever.

by (few years ago!)
Lovers of the body soon go away, but lovers of the heart last forever.

by (few years ago!)
If at the end of the day, you can still smile and shine on, your heart will forever hold love's true gift inside, now and always.

by (few years ago!)
I love you, these three words could change our lives forever, but for you, I will take that chance.

by (few years ago!)
My love for you is like time, if you give it just one moment, it will last forever.

by (few years ago!)
Our love is forever, as we join our hearts together. Nothing is more pure, and gracious, than to live our lives as one, but in separate souls.

by (few years ago!)
Do you know that it would take you forever to realize the extent of my love for you.

by (few years ago!)
I've always loved you, even when I gave up hope of ever finding you.

by (few years ago!)
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