Search Results for 'love'

To love is to live forever! To be loved is to live a never ending dream!

by (few years ago!)
For yesterday's memories, today's love, and tomorrow's dreams I love you.

by (few years ago!)
Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing. Love ends when you stop caring. So, dream, hope and love...

by (few years ago!)
All my dreams came true the day that I met you. I Love You!

by (few years ago!)
I may not be the dream you want to come true, but I'll always be the person in love with you.

by (few years ago!)
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy, I'll be your hope, I'll be your love & all that you want me to be...

by (few years ago!)
you lived,i loved u; and now u died,wut should make any difference??

by (few years ago!)
Maybe one day, my prince will come and love me forever. Until that day, I stand here and wait, loving him for all time.

by (few years ago!)
I've loved you forever in life times before.

by (few years ago!)
I will always love you and when I love you I start to realize that you were meant for me.I

by (few years ago!)
yes i know, with you i will be in love forever

by (few years ago!)
Love is forever and that's what you mean to me.

by (few years ago!)
Love remains in your heart and on your mind forever.

by (few years ago!)
Though the sun may go out and the moon might cease her nightly glows, my love for you will never die.

by (few years ago!)
The heart lives for a lifetime, but the soul goes on for longer ... so don't love from the body, but love with your all.

by (few years ago!)
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