Search Results for 'love'

God gave family to love but he gave friends to adore

by (few years ago!)
A true friend is someone who will catch you if you fall, and lend a hand if you need it. They won’t laugh at you for your flaws but love you for who you really are inside.

by (few years ago!)
I love you guys, best friends forever and ever and ever…??

by (few years ago!)
I love my friends

by (few years ago!)
i love all my friends…you ALL are my friends

by (few years ago!)
What kind of friend sees what you see. Thinks what you think. Hates what you hate. Wishes what you wish. Loves what you love. And feels what you feel?..your true friend.

by (few years ago!)
A best friend is someone who will be there for you even if they live halfway across the country. I love you Ashley.

by (few years ago!)
True friends are those who make is hard not to love them.

by (few years ago!)
When you look around and your world is crumbling or when you think no one loves you, your best friend is the one to run to you.

by (few years ago!)
A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.

by (few years ago!)
There is nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.

by (few years ago!)
Best friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway.

by (few years ago!)
It is lovely, when I forget all birthdays, including my own, to find that somebody remembers me.

by (few years ago!)
It is the plain women who know about love; the beautiful women are too busy being fascinating.

by (few years ago!)
Man's love is of man's life a thing apart,'Tis woman's whole existence.

by (few years ago!)
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