The media management of PML-N government is really run by some well-oiled, functional. and mighty machine. They have managed to control almost all of those who matter and that is why you don’t hear any tangible criticism of their government quite opposed to the previous PPP regime. The performance of interior minister Chaudhry Nisar is worst than the former interior minister Rehman Malik and yet nobody tells us that.

Its not long ago when Rehman Malik was the interior minister of PPP and he was the target of every malign campaign on the face of earth. He was incompetent and a lair for sure, but Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan is way ahead of him in both aspects. With nothing on his credit, he poses as he has done wonders. Rehman Malik was at least available, but Nisar is the most inaccessible to the public and media. He is also known to be very arrogant and egoist person, who believe himself as ‘aql-e-kul.’ Right after the most rigged elections in the history of Pakistan in May, there was a huge outcry from the masses and Chuadhry Niar said in parliament that instead of 4 seats, he would get the thumb impressions checked in 40 seats. Now almost six months have passed and nothing has happened. Now he has dismissed the NADRA chairman Tariq Malik. Tariq Malik refused to accept Nisar’s order of not going ahead with the impression check.
PTI is raising protest, but once again Nisar is trying to cajole them. Nisar said that linking changes in NADRA with the issue of thumb impressions in general elections is not correct. Khan of Pindi has said that provision of magnetic ink was the responsibility of the Election Commission and the interim government. Nisar Ali Khan has dispatched a letter to the parliamentary leaders, proposing a joint session of the parliament over the issues pertaining to sacking of NADRA Chairman and verification of thumb impressions. So in other words he is again trying to gain the time and neutralize this recent outcry. PTI and its leadership must see through this bluff and shouldn’t let Nisar deceive them this time.