Is General Pasha Mastermind of Imran-Qadri March?

Posted in : Politics

(added few years ago!)
Clashes have already begin between the PAT and Police. The first happened just moments ago in Faisal Chowk in which 3 policemen were injured. PAT workers did aerial firing and threw rocks at the Police, which had no option but to retreat as they have strict orders to not to retaliate and they are without their arms. Tahir ul Qadri from Canada seem all set to create chaos and anarchy in Lahore. It is obvious that he doesn’t intend to go to Islamabad and will focus only in Lahore. He is trying to incite violence among the masses and want street-to-street fight in Lahore. His goal seem to create a civil-disobedience in Lahore. Whereas on the other hand Imran Khan is focusing on Islamabad. He is also all set to produce a massive procession of angry PTI workers marching towards Islamabad. He also has made it crystal clear that he would not come back until he overthrows government. Without military intervention that is not possible from the roads. So that is another recipe of total violent mess. Behind this two-pronged chaos, there is a coordinated pattern. It’s not as messy as it looks. There is somebody calling the shots, directing the players, and managing the whole mess. 
Is General Pasha Mastermind of Imran-Qadri March?
All this organization, funding, management, media campaigns, logistics, coordination, politicking, generating and maintaining momentum is not out of chaos. It’s a well thought out dynamic movement engineered by someone who knows what he is doing. Media reports say that former DG ISI General Pasha is in Pakistan for many days and is in constant touch with Imran Khan. Yesterday media leaked the news that Imran Khan called General Pasha 3 times in just 2 hours. Sources say that he is also in touch with the PAT leadership. This is the same Gen Pasha who launched Imran Khan before one year of least year’s elections. He has again active in the fray to support his creation. General Pasha is also close friend of former dictator Musharraf. So you can connect the dots here. The million dollar question is that is General Pasha without the support of his former outfit? Or perhaps the question should be how much support he enjoys from his former outfit? The answer to that question can tell us where the buck will stop for this PML-N regime.
Blog post Written by Ali Yar Khan and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Violence, General, Pasha, Master, Mind, Imran Khan, Tahir-ul-Qadri, March, August, 14th, Politics, Government, Leaders, PAT, PTI, Police, Lahore, Punjab, Islamabad, Organization, Funds, Media, Campaigns, DG, ISI, News, Support, Dictator, Musharraf, PML-N, Elections

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(added few years ago!) / 2643 views

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