Imran-Qadri Plan for 14 August LEAKED!!!

Posted in : Politics

(added few years ago!)
Imran and Tahir reached on the consensus even before the start of Ramadan and even before the Model Town tragedy to destabilize this government of PML-N in Punjab and Islamabad. The plan is simple; Qadri would storm the Punjab government, whereas Imran would attack the Federal government in Islamabad. PTI chief Imran Khan and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri have been in touch through Sheikh Rashid and some establishment elements are also at their back providing them strategy help. Model Town tragedy was also staged and engineered by the sympathizers of this Imran-Qadri duo, and it served it’s purpose of providing them corpses to fuel their campaign.
Imran-Qadri Plan for 14 August LEAKED!!!
There are still no issues grave enough to topple this government, but Lahore corpses and incitement from Imran and Qadri plus the chaos created will crumble the edifice of this government as they are planning. Qadri will produce and march towards the Lahore assembly, and would encircle it. If that doesn’t work, he will march towards Raiwind residence of Sharif family. That would ultimately create a clash in Lahore, and that is what Qadri wants. Imran is targeting the buildings in same area, so he will start his march from Lahore and will spend as much time on G.T. Road as possible. He will raise hue and cry to maximum extent and media has already been paid millions of dollars to provide non-stop coverage.
PTI is hoping that GHQ would interfere well before they reach Islamabad, and if not, they will sit in front of election commission and parliament and Prime Minister House and would try to clash with the police. They are also ready to barge into these buildings. All efforts on the part of government and other middlemen have failed for the talks. PTI and PAT never wanted to talk as they see it their last chance on the rule. Imran Khan never can become Prime Minister through votes no matter how fair, and Qadri’s chances are no better. Both are  hoping to get top positions in extended interim setup after the toppling of this government as they gridlock everything.
Blog post Written by Haris Hashmi and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Imran Khan, Tahir-ul-Qadri, Plan, 14, August, Leaked, Politics, Leaders, PTI, TUQ, Government, Model, Town, PML-N, Federal, Islamabad, Chief, PAT, Sheikh Rashid, Campaign, Issue, Lahore, Plan, Assembly, Nawaz Sharif, Clash, Media, News, GHQ, Prime, Minister, Police, Case, Failed, Effort, Votes, Election, Commission

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(added few years ago!) / 2629 views

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