Recipe for Aaroo ka Murabba


  • 1 kg of Peach Slices
  • 1kg Jam Sugar
  • 1 Lemon peel and juice
  • 2-3 / 1lb Jars, warm and sterilized
  • Knob of Butte

Cooking Directions

Place the peaches with juice in a preserving pan. Crush the fruit with a potato masher then stir in the Jam Sugar. Heat gently, stirring continuously, until the sugar has dissolved. Do not allow to boil.

Add the knob of butter, then still stirring, increase the heat and bring to a full rolling boil, one that bubbles vigorously, rises in the pan and cannot be stirred down. As soon as this stage is reached,
start timing.

Boil for 4 minutes only. Remove from the heat. Pot and cover in the usual way.

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by (few years ago!) / 1313 views
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