Search Results for 'love'

Finding True Love Is Like Finding A Rainbow, During A Pouring Rain. It Appears When You Least Expect It

by (few years ago!)
At times you can look at a picture of a Father or a Grandfather who has passed on, knowing they are smiling back, with you feeling their love

by (few years ago!)
Love is more than feelings, it is two souls uniting creating a spiritual bond

by (few years ago!)
Writing is like finding true love, It takes a couple of times to get it right

by (few years ago!)
The heart is like a divining rod used to find water. When the heart locates True Love it seeks after them

by (few years ago!)
Let your love be the spark, which brightens glow in the hearts, of the ones you love and care about

by (few years ago!)
Love is comprised of being non judge-mental, showing kindness and compassion, trying to share love unconditionally

by (few years ago!)
If true love fades, it isn't true

by (few years ago!)
No matter what I have done or not done I'm worthy of love

by (few years ago!)
Loneliness is a condition more feared than death, and it's threat keeps more couples together than love

by (few years ago!)
Today is a great day, filled with God's love and blessings. Good things are on my way

by (few years ago!)
A love is just around the corner but..... A true love is a million miles away.

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
The end of knowledge is LOVE. The end of education is character...

by mahmood (few years ago!)
Never Expect Love & Care from SomeOne..Coz All dey Gonna Give is Ignorance & Pain !! :(

by mahmood (few years ago!)
If You love someone Be brave enough to tell them otherwise be brave enoug to watch them LOVED by someone else "

by mahmood (few years ago!)
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