Search Results for 'love'

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "SOMEBODY U LOVE" & SOMEBODY U LIKE" In front of the person u love,your heart beats faster . But in front of the person u like,u get happy.

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
"Love is a fabric which never fades, no matter how often it is washed in the water of adversity and grief."

by mahmood (few years ago!)
We Always Look And Care For The Person, Whom We Love The Most.... But We Fail To Look Back At Those, Who Love Us The Most.

by mahmood (few years ago!)
Love is like two people holding a rubber band, we pull, then when one person let's go, it's the person who held on that gets hurt :(

by mahmood (few years ago!)
Every Boy’s wish: I’m not a Prince but my Life-Partner should be a Princess :) ? True Lover's wish: My Life-Partner may not be a Princess but I promise I’ll treat her like a PRINCESS .. !!

by dracula (few years ago!)
" Love is a magic ray emitted from the burning core of the soul and illuminates the surrounding earth . It enables us to perceive life as a beautiful dream between one awakening and another " - Kahlil Gibran

by dracula (few years ago!)
Teenage memories: Onesided love, Silent mode phones, Escape from class, Last lecture bunks, Forced birthday treats, Last minute preparation, Attendance tension, Mass bunk for a film. Friendship cannot be compared with any other relation :)

by mahmood (few years ago!)
Love is when u tell after a fight that u don`t want 2 talk... & Still u check ur cell to know if u have missed call or msg...

by mahmood (few years ago!)
People are not beautiful as they look as they walk as they wear. But people r beautiful as they love as they r sincere as they share and as they Care.

by mahmood (few years ago!)
Maybe the people who are hardest to love are the people who need it the most.

by mahmood (few years ago!)
“Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.”

by mahmood (few years ago!)
You are rich or poor in life by....Smiles around you, Friends you make, People you are with, Dreams you chase and the love you spread.

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
Family isn't always blood relations. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs lives. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what happen.

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
Love is The Understanding between 2 person :) Not the Patience On 1 persOn

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
Lots of way to reach the God, I chose love...

by nakam shayir (few years ago!)
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