The Uth Oye has been created with the impulse to encourage positive sentiments that can be identified as central to healing, flourishing and the well being of oneself. When composing the song, lyricist Haider Hashmi and singer Faiza Mujahid were very keen on invoking a sense of resilience and optimism with emotional force. The video, directed by Fatima Shah, builds on the themes of the song attempts to reflect the fearlessness required to create and inspire meaning in one’s life by showcasing three narratives struggling, if not leading, women in our society. The video reveals multiple psychological dimensions in the face of distress and establishes a connection between the present moments and the motivating resolve of each personality.

Farah Deeba, a mere 26 year old, decided to delicate her life to supporting underprivileged children and adolescents with infrastructures and means to receive wholesome education. With meager beginnings at the age of 20 and few students, she is now administering a large educational institute Alam Bibi Welfare in an independent initiative. Sabira Sultana is a burn victim who preserved in traumatic circumstances and is now the patient coordinator at the Depilex Smileagain Foundation dedicated to rehabilitate burn victims. A source of inspiration for many women and activated the process of healing and reconciliation for many more.
As the capacities of individuals to create and inspire meaning triggers emotional and psychological responses, the video also presents the strength of women in number via a vis Pakistan’s women’s hockey team. With little or no financial aid and the stigma of women in sports, these young women defy the influential mechanisms of the media as well as hegemonic masculinity by using the power of sport as a transformative tool. Each of these narratives triggered an emotional and psychological response from the team of Uth Oye that spiraled a series of queries into what consists an enriched human experience and the necessity to be more receptive to one’s community as well as society at large in order to sustain optimism and well being. Video is going to be released in the first week of January so stay tuned.