Real Story Behind Crackers in Interior Sindh Cities

Posted in : General, Local News, Politics

(added few years ago!)
You cannot analyze and judge the situation in internal Sindh by sitting in Islamabad, Lahore or even Karachi. Thy dynamics are totally different. For the people outside of internal Sindh, Sindh is probably Karachi and Karachi is what all Sindh is. That is so untrue. Sindh is far more than Karachi, which is only one city in this sprawling province. In Internal Sindh, there is an urban and rural region dotted from Badin, Thattha to the edge of Punjab’s Border and Balochistan Border. Mirpur Khas, Hyderabad, Larkana, Jamshoro, Sukkur, Nawab Shah, Dadu, Mehrabpur are just few cities of Sindh bubbling with activity and should I say festering with unbridled anger? There are hundreds of towns and thousands of villages besides of these cities.
Real Story Behind Crackers in Interior Sindh Cities
All this internal Sindh region is full of unsatisfied and angry youth. This youth is not on Facebook and Twitter. They don’t have laptops. They cannot speak English and very little Urdu.They don’t have jobs or any business opportunities. Their education is either non-existent or simply meager. They abhor their wadera system, and the only hope the see now is the rising religious outfits working in that area. They also abhor the other ethnic entities like Urdu speaking and Punjabi and only prefer all things Sindhi in their language, culture, food, and everything else. With their anger due to having-not, extreme pride in their nationalism, and deep impact of religious faction, they are a ticking time bomb. This danger showed it’s glimpse when a string of crackers were let go in little span of time in various cities of Sindh with a meticulous plan. This danger is ripe and will rear its head sooner rather than later in this part of Pakistan.
The official version is that behind these cracker attacks, the Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz is involved. They also had called for a strike on  against the Pakistan Protection Ordinance which, it feared, will be used to “silence the voice of dissent in Sindh and Balochistan”. The truth is that besides of JSMM, many other small time groups, religious parties and Baloch nationals are involved. It was the BRA, which actually carried out those cracker attacks with that coordination. Foreign hand from India was involved in planning and financing this pilot attack. So there is every reason to worry about any such full scale real attacks in future, as their test has been successful. Is there anything which could be done? Well, here PPP which has strong political base in Sindh could play its role. Government could also engage the religious leaders. Above all the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should take interior Sindh just as he treat Lahore. If that is done for sometime with all the genuine intentions, things will improve. Government should engage the journalists to enlighten the Sindhis about benefits and real intentions of the anti terror law and assure them that this is not to silence the will of people. Government also has to back this with its actions.
Blog post Written by Salman Mugsi and You can visit the original article at
Tags : Journalists, Support, Minister, Law, People, Education, Anger, Youth, Parties, Religious, Political, Facebook, Real, Story, Politics, Crackers, Interior, Sindh, Cities, Government, Terror, Mirpur Khas, Hyderabad, Larkana, Jamshoro, Sukkur, Nawab Shah, Dadu, Mehrabpur

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(added few years ago!) / 3061 views

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