Best Exercise for Belly Fat

Posted in : Beauty Tips, Health Tips

(added few years ago!)

Belly fat is one of the most common problems among males and females around the globe. People often try different things and finds different ways to burn belly fat to get rid of it but still this problem is rapidly increasing. This might be of extra eating or lazy routine or less activities in sports etc. But whatever is the reason, this is the problem which needs to be eliminated in order to spent healthy life. People ask we are doing exercises regularly but we don’t see any change in belly and stuff. But they need to understand that doing exercise is not only the solution, proper diet with a proper way of exercises needs to be adopted in order to get positive result in short period of time. We will discuss the best exercises to lose belly fat fast. These exercises really work and when you do them regularly, you will much tighten your abdomen within a short time.

Abdominal Crunches
This is a classic exercise for the abdominals. You focus here to the various abdominal muscles, which become stronger and tighter. Make sure when doing the exercises that your legs are anchored and do not cooperate in the movement. They can be under a heavy chair or sofa or convert them to a stability ball clamps. Do 12 crunches per session three times.

The Plank
Your hands resting on the ground and then push your body up with your toes. While leaning on your wrists. You should not bring you back up, but your body as straight as a plank hold. Do this exercise three to five times, and always keeps the position 20 to 50 seconds.

This is a classic exercise, which remains effective for getting a nice belly. Lay down flat on your back and put your hands at your back neck. Go up with head and shoulders by using only your abdominals and bring your right knee toward your left elbow and then come back. Next do this with your left knee and right elbow. Repeat 12 to 16 times for both sides.

Long Arm Crunches
lay down flat on your back with your arms extended in the line of your body. Bend your knees and place your feet hip-width apart on the floor. Bring your hands together and lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Do this with your abs and keep your arms straight, in line with your shoulder blades. Repeat 12 to 16 times.

Reverse Crunches
This is a great exercise for both upper and lower abdominals. Lay down flat on your back with your hands stretched out beside your hips, palms on the floor. Bring your knees up above your hips, with legs bent at an angle of 90 °. Keep your feet together. Then bring your legs up thereby raise your hips off the ground. Repeat this exercise 12 to 16 times.

This is a very simple but effective way to use your abdominal muscles. Walk daily for at least 30 minutes with a brisk pace. This is also a cardiovascular exercise that burns fat in your body and heart and lung function improves.

Cardio Exercises
There are countless types of cardio exercises you can do: jogging, swimming, cycling, skating etc. If you practice these exercises, your whole body gets into a very good condition. These exercises are also useful for losing belly fat.

Blog post Written by Bushra and You can visit the original article at

Tags : exercise, belly Fat, burn belly fat, fat

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