Tanzila Khan: An Amazing Lady, An Amazing Motivational Speaker

Posted in : General, Interviews

(added few years ago!)

Her personality is multidimensional so it would be very difficult to define what exactly this Iron lady is! Tanzila Khan is considered and termed as ‘The Name of Motivation” despite having physical trouble in her life.

It would be better to go directly to Tanzila instead of commenting on her personality, work and life.

What are the factors that boosted your confidence to be a public speaker?
Tanzila Khan: I think its the fact that I live an amazing life which is full of passion and interests. What I experience as being the ‘girl on the wheelchair’ and witnessed the world being equally delicious for me. The experiences that I have had, the knowledge that I have received, the imagination, the observations all make me want to move on and on and on. But why have the fun alone? Why not share it with the rest of the world and share the passion? I believe that as we receive Sha’oor (Awarness) comes a greater responsibility of delivering it to others. All these factors become my driving force and I  dutifully deliver and unveil the positive side of life to anyone who would listen.

What motivated you to be a motivational speaker and trainer?
Tanzila Khan: A very interesting question. I thought to myself If I can snap out of my reality of being a disable person forever. So can anyone else! Its only a matter of realization so I set out to make people realize that no matter how worse a scenario can be, its all good until they believe in good. My motivation is all that I have and that is exactly what I want to give to everyone! But first the connection has to be built so for that I turned my attention towards the training industry to understand training needs and to help people with not just motivation but various other fields.

How has been the experience of writing a novelette “ A story of Mexico”?
Tanzila Khan: Putting your thoughts to paper can be exciting yet scary. Both are because we want to know how would people welcome your creativity. My thoughts were delivered out in the form of a story. The story was written with a classic style inspired by Shakespeare and it was also a cross cultured story between Mexico and England. The whole story defines relationships and emotions and above all motivation to move on in life. The novelette was received and crtically analyzed and at the end I received a license from my fellow readers to write more :)

How do you feel the recognition of your work (training) and appreciation on book and project ( I wish knowledge)?
Tanzila Khan: One of the biggest compliments that I would consider deeply would be “Tanzila I started doing this after going through your that” because if my work is not charging people to generate innovation and creativity within themselves then I should immediately retire and sit back home. Allah is very kind to me and the recognition and appreciation is pretty much there but if my objective is not fullfilled, it would be of no use to me.

Do you have any plan to write book on human management or novel in future?
Tanzila Khan: In my case the subject picks me rather than me selecting a subject to write a book but I am working on some papers related to life skills and motivation.

What are your future plans?
Tanzila Khan: My future plans are focused to design some amazing workshops not just for youth but for parents especially housewives. Other than that produce healthy entertainment in the form of theatre, documentries and books. I am also currently involved in a campaign related to education and disability rights.

In the light of your experience, how have you observed the talent and weaknesses of youth in Pakistan?
Tanzila Khan: I have found Talent in every street, every corner and every house of Pakistan, wherever I have been. When I was making libraries in the outskirts of Lahore. There wasnt a single school in which I havent found young talent. But no platform. I believe that it is the lack of opportunities for them. Every company and every organziation should have a department for youth so their ideas and opinion can also be taken into consideration. If that happens we all will witness Pakistan growing at the speed of light.

How do you define struggle in the life of people individually and collectively?
Tanzila Khan: There can be many sides to the word struggle. The biggest struggle is from within where we must fight our fears and feelings of hopelessness. This can be the toughest thing to do but once you are over it then you can face bigger challenges.

What are factors and elements that help an individual to achieve his or her goals in a life?
Tanzila Khan: Persistence with caps lock! There can be many elements but persistence is on the top of my list. Because the moment we start our journey, failures come rolling our way. Things may or not be in our favour. People change and there are a series of human errors. I recall reading an article that after every major blunder, the brain atomatically nourishes itself to produce better the next time but for that there has to be persistence in trying again with a different and better strategy. Second to persistence on my list is belief. If one cannot believe that one day he/she will be successful. He/she will never change his/her mindset about the his/her goals being set, what to talk of achieving them. Another major element that we can never deny is the emotion. Any action taken without the touch of emotion would collapse very soon because emotion adds the life to a corpse.

How can an individual explore his or her talent to become a successful person in the life?
Tanzila Khan: Focus on his/her resources first. and yes Hands and feet count in! One should make a list of his or her resources for example the ability to read, ability to write, ability to do something creative manually. Once the toolkit is ready, the next step is to experiment and apply each and every tool thus meet a new side of yours everyday!

What are root causes of paucity of leadership in different walk of lives in our country?
Tanzila Khan: I’d like to add a different comment here. We dont need a nation of leaders. We need a country full of good citizens. So instead of making everyone a leader, lets make them a better citizen first.

What are your suggestions to the youth wishing to be leaders in their professional life and collective purpose?
Tanzila Khan: One day they all will graduate, get a good job, will receive promotions every year and then retire one day. If this sounds good enough to you then leadership is not for you because leadership involves initiatives. So in what ever walk of life you are currently, take an initiative. Because in later years your initiative will define your identity.

Blog post Written by Yasir Ameen and You can visit the original article at http://www.thenewstribe.com/

Tags : Tanzila Khan, The Name of Motivation, disable, Amazing Lady, Speaker

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(added few years ago!) / 8003 views

Comments (1)

Great..! Nice to know about her.

On November, 03 2012 at 10:27 AM by bilal
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