Every women want to have beauty like she want. To have beauty they always waste their money on expensive facials, manicures, hair treatments etc etc. But have you ever thought that you can be beautiful by just making some home remedies. Beauty can be achieved in home too if you have right things in your kitchen. Home beauty tips are always fun to research out and try out-who doesn’t love mixing up a facial mask from things rights in your kitchen. I’d love to share some of my home beauty tips and remedies with you today.

Exfoliate : You don’t need to spend your money on a pricy body scrub. There are many good home remedies that can save your money. Wet the desired area and gently buff with a few tea spoons of sea salt. Avoid eye area. Rinse off with cool water afterwards and follow up with a lotion or body cream.
Dark Circles : Dark circles looks too bad on face. It spoils your whole face beauty. Concealers and under-eye creams do help but here’s one home beauty tips yo can’t beat. Slice a raw potato into thin circles and lay it over your eye lids for 15 to 20 minutes for a few times a week. Wipe off residue and apply an eye cream. You will see great results.
White Nails : Many beauty tips benefit your nails but the best of them is lemon juice. Try soaking your nail tips on lemon juice for 5 to 10 minutes.
Facial Mask : With the right home beauty tips you can find excellent tips for facial masks like this one ! Wet your face and then apply 1 tea spoon of honey mixed with 1 tea spoon cream. Rub on gently and leave it for 5 minutes and then rise it off.
Acne : Mash some few ripe strawberries and apply them to your face chest or back wherever the acne is. Leave on for a few minutes then rinse off.