Children need to be Observed

Posted in : General, Life Style

(added few years ago!)

Modernization! is something hard to define? Is it being shameless about everything, being open about everything, living with fears inside you all the time or losing your family and moral values. As for me, I find it a little hard to comprehend. The fact that this generation is going to have very difficult future, is hard to digest but at the same time its an inevitable truth. When people say that every era has its own advantages and disadvantages, I completely disagree, because the threats this generation is facing are clearly visible and more lethal.

Entertainment – A Threat:
What do you think children are watching in cartoons today? They are exposed to things like aggression, the gf/bf relationship statuses, hatred, being powerful than others, jealousy, laziness and everything which in our part of the hemisphere is considered as poor ethical values. There is nothing shown to them which can make them a good human being, whereas all the negative qualities are portrayed as ‘heroic’ ones and leading them into a sense of confusion of judging between the right  path to follow. Children take those cartoon characters as their Role Models and then act on these lines. Their minds are too naive to differentiate between right and wrong at small ages, so a strict check and balance is needed, as every episode of life suits a certain age, not earlier nor later.

The Environment:
When I turn around and look at my childhood, the first thing that strikes me is a lot of playtime in grounds, parks and alot of bicycle riding. Today our children are devoid of such physical activities, as we cannot let them go on streets and play, as times have changed and there is a continuous fear of Kidnapping, child molestation and etc.

Lost Innocence:
One click can be life changing or threatening to children, as it opens their naive minds to alot of adult material, completely devastating their innocence and there are no barriers or constraints left to avoid it . Media has crossed a lot of limits and this has lead to a very alarming situation, as now more and more young minds look for a boyfriend/girlfriend relation at a very tender age and indulge in all sorts of activities, unacceptable in our society.

• Parents should keep a continuous check on children.
• Friendly relation between parents and children is the most important requirement.
• Create more indoor activities for children to avoid making them lazy.
• Let the children have some good friends, build trust, so that they can visit their homes frequently.
• Keep the children grow in a environment which is too strict and too open, keeping them in middle.
• Media should also take some responsibility.
• Over all positivity in the environment is needed to reduce fear and danger for small children.

Blog post Written by Sehrish Azhar and You can visit the original article at

Tags : Children, Observed, advantages, cartoons, relationship

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(added few years ago!) / 3125 views

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