Nails represents your beauty and health; here we have some useful home remedies to make your nails more shiny and healthy. Women always try to look perfect when it comes to beauty. From head to toe, they simply don’t want to let go! From perfect hair to their daily wear, everything speaks of their personality. Nails are quite significant too, and most of us spare some time to keep them shiny.

Here we have few remedies which can make your nails look more beautiful:
Use Rose Water
When we talk about shine, rose water helps a lot. Use of rose water to your nails can seal the natural pink tint on your nails. And, if there are some spots on your nails, then must wash them with a mix of lemon juice and rose water. Applying this remedy thrice a week will make your nails, clean, shiny and healthy.
Use Olive Oil
Mix warm water and a few drops of olive oil and infuse your nails in. After 15 minutes, massage your nails & cuticles gently with warm olive oil. Do this procedure daily to get the shine of your nails.
Use Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly can do astonishment to restore that shiny look. Do massage your nails with a best quality petroleum jelly after every bath as well as every time before sleeping. Petroleum jelly averts your nails from losing their natural moisture, and makes them look naturally bright and beautiful.
Use Baby Oil
Nails tend to get drier when they are exposed to water repeatedly. So, lock the natural moisture of your nails with the excessive use of baby oil. Try to massage your nails with any best quality baby oil every day to prevent your nails from getting dry.
Use Water
Water can make your nails shinier in two easy ways. Firstly, by consuming a lot of it helps you to get that shine back on your nails. Cleaning your nails regularly with warm water helps to sustain their cleanliness. Also, it wipes off the dull layer from your nails and makes them glossier.
Use Toothpaste Scrub
Just like our skin, nails also need exfoliation to stay healthy and keep their natural glow. And, you can do so by brushing your nails with a soft toothbrush and whitening toothpaste. This will eliminate the dirt from your nails and will give them a refreshing feeling.
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