Do you sometimes feel trouble in taking care of your nails at the time of summer season? Well we all know that summer season brings huge sum of dryness along with it that not just affect the skin but even brings great sum of effects for the nails as well. Most of the times we have seen that the nails start facing the yellowish and dry appearances at the time of the summer heat! This is mainly because of the fact that nails are not getting enough energy and care that they required for.
Following are some of the main tips that are necessary for taking care of the nails in the summer season:
1. Don’t Use Nails or Blades:
Never make the choice of using the nails or blades for the sake of removing the nail polish remover.
2. Store in Fridge:
If you want to make the nail polish smooth then you should store it in the fridge.
3. Use Vinegar:
If you want the nail polish to stay longer lasting then you should apply little vinegar on the nails before applying the nail polish.
4. Use White iodine and Castor Oil:
You can apply the white iodine and castor oil in equal amounts and massage it on the cuticles. You can find your cuticles smooth.
5. Wear Base Coat:
You have to make sure one thing you are wearing the base coat as well under the nail polish that will help you out to yellow and stained toe nails.
6. Apply a Nail Hardener:
You can even make the choice to apply the nail hardener as well but make sure that it does not contain toluene sulphonamide or formaldehyde. It can lead to the redness or irritate the skin.
Above all there are many other tips as well that you should keep in mind before applying the nail color. You have to make sure that you are filling the nail color outside to the center otherwise it can face weaken or break nails. If you are facing cracks and splits then you can repair it with the use of nail glue or clear polish. Try to cut your nails in straight-sided by means of slightly rounded tips to give the impression of longer and more slender fingers. If you want your nails to look strong and eye catching in summer then don’t forget to follow the above mentioned nail care tips in summer!
Blog post Written by Hira and you can visit the original article at