To get beautiful neck, it’s important to give equal importance to your neck as you give to your face. All the women want to look beautiful. And for a beautiful look, you focus more on your face usually and ignore neck but sometimes it embarrasses you when your face color doesn’t match with your neck. For glowing neck, check out these amazing and easy tips:

1- Regular Scrubbing
Rub your neck once or twice a week. This process helps the skin to restore the new skin cells faster and removes the dead skin and make your neck glowing and beautiful.
2- Egg white pack
In order to make this pack, lash an egg white until creamy. Then add a spoon of honey and glycerin into it. For tightening and brightening your skin, apply this paste on your face and neck area and leave it for 30 minutes.
3- Oatmeal
The best combination for skin tightening is oatmeal and egg white. If your skin is oily, this is the best and ideal pack for you. Take a half cup of oatmeal and bake it, cool it and then mix egg white into it. Clasp a lemon in the mixture. Apply this pack all over your face and neck and leave it for 15 minutes then wash with normal water.
4- Use vitamin E for skin tightening
Use cream and oil for massaging your skin which is highly rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E makes your skin glowing and help in skin tightening.
5- Pack for fair neck
Smash a peach and extract its juice. Mix honey and yoghurt into it. Apply this mixture on your face and neck then leave it for 15 minutes. After this mixture gets dry wash it off.
6- Use fruits
Fruits are also having properties which can help you from your skin problems. Mash a banana or papaya pulp and blend it with egg white. And apply over your skin and neck.