Homemade Face Mask For Fair And Glowing Skin

Posted in : Beauty Tips

(added few years ago!)
Every one wants to have fair and glowing skin. You can have it that’s not a problem, the problem is that you don’t put in effort. If you want your skin to be glowing and beautiful it is very important that you put in effort. You have to work hand. Also, you need not to buy expensive beauty products you can have fair and glowing skin with help of home made remedies. In today’s beauty article we will tell you some effective Homemade Face Mask For Fair And Glowing Skin. There are many Homemade Face Mask For Fair And Glowing Skin but we will tell you the best among them. Following are some effective Homemade Face Mask For Fair And Glowing Skin.
Homemade Face Mask For Fair And Glowing Skin
Almond face mask for fair and glowing skin
The first mask is almond face mask for fair and glowing skin. This face mask can do wonders to your skin and will help you improve your complexion as well. Use it daily and after the fortnight you will be able to see the difference.
• 3-4 Almonds
• Milk to soak the Almonds.
The first thing you have to do is soak 3-4 almonds in the morning. You can increase the number of almonds depending on the skin area you plan to cover. You have to soak these almonds in milk. Then at night mash these almonds in the milk and form a fine paste. Then apply this paste on your face and leave it on for the whole night. Wash your face with cold water in the morning. This will help you skin become light and glowing.
If you have dry skin, you can use this face mask daily but if you have oily skin we suggest you use to twice a week.
Cucumber and lime juice face mask
Then we have the Cucumber and Lime Juice Face Mask. This is another effective face masks among the the homemade face mask for fair and glowing skin.This mask will also help you heal the sunburn.
• One tablespoon cucumber juice
• One teaspoon lime juice
• One teaspoon turmeric
• One teaspoon glycerine (for dry skin)
How do you make it ? The first you have to do is to mix all the above ingredients and apply them on your face especially under your eyes. This is will be a big help if you have dark circles. Apply the mask with the help of cotton balls. Then leave in on for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water. For better results you should use this mask daily for a week.
This works best if you have oily skin, incase of dry skin you can add glycerine to it.
Gram flour face pack for fair and glowing skin
The third mask among the homemade face mask for fair and glowing skin is Gram Flour Face Pack For Fair and Glowing Skin.
• One tablespoon Gram flour(Besan)
• One teaspoon lime juice
• One teaspoon turmeric
• Rose water for mixing
Take all of the above ingredients and mix them. Make a paste of them and then apply that paste on your face. Leave it on till it get dry and then wash your face with cold water.  This homemade face mask can be used on all skin types.
Blog post Written by Sana and you can visit the original article at https://style.pk/
Tags : Home, Made, Face, Mask, Fair, Glowing, Skin, Tips, Method, Ingredients, Juice, Cucumber, Lime, Glow, Sun, Burn, Almond, Effective

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(added few years ago!) / 2084 views

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