Every girl wishes to have a smooth and soft skin and does something for skin perfection. Pimples, red scars and blackheads spoil your skin. Face mask is a best remedy for it. These spots become cause of making you less pretty. But here we have solution for maintaining your beauty by removing these scars using a face mask. Now you don’t have to waste money on face mask. You can make your own face mask at home.

Things that you need for making face mask at home are:-
* Baking soda
* Distilled water
* Plastic bowl
Now see how to make face mask at home easily in no time:-
1) Mix ½ spoon of all the ingredients and make a paste. You have made your face mask.
2) Now you have to wash your face and keep it oil free before you apply face mask on your face.
3) Apply the face mask on that part of your face suffering from scars, pimples or black heads.
4) Leave the mask for a few time and let it dry.
5) When it dries wash off your face.
Doing this regularly, you’ll get rid of the scars. Productive results by applying this face mask will make you feel pretty.