Are Face Wipes Healthy for Your Skin

Posted in : Beauty Tips

(added few years ago!)
There are some unidentified mistakes, which can be dangerous for the people to have skincare routine. They should use foundation and it can suit the skin tone or texture, which can cause acne on the face. The use of makeup on the face can be tricky so the women and girls need to choose the right product for their face and they should know the effect of the makeup on their skin. It is necessary for the women to use it as makeup on their faces. Now in this post, a very special and tremendous product, which is good for the women and it can give result in short time. They should use it on their faces without knowing its causes and it is called Face wipes. This is the simple product, which has the susceptible of suspicion in its effects.
Are Face Wipes Healthy for Your Skin
Face wipes are prepared in little napkins, which is added with oil and it has some cleansing ingredients, which can wipe off the impurities and residue from the face and skin in very short time. It is provided in the market in sufficient amount and thousands of people around the globe use this product. When you want to remove makeup, you need to wash your hands or simple wipe off to get access from the residue after tiring day and these wonders can do amazing work, when it clears the impurities and make the skin clean and beautiful. The new research has been carried out that face wipes is not as beneficial as they think. This product is easy to use and it can damage the skin more than you think. Dr Craig Kaffert is the New York based dermatologist and he stated that makeup wipes are convenient to use and it is also not optimal for the skin health. He also warned to the people, who use this product daily and in sufficient amount, they use this product with continuous rubbing and tugging with wipes and you can put it on the skin, which gives more harm than its benefits.
Blog post Written by Admin and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Face, Wipes, Healthy, Skin, Tips, Beauty, Women, Girls, Foundation, Effect, Tone, Texture, Makeup, Cleansing, Ingredients, Damage, Dermatologist

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(added few years ago!) / 1867 views

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