Green tea has several health benefits and it is available in the market as health product. It is commonly used to lose weight. Many people drink one cup of green tea to remain healthy. But you can also increase your beauty apart from getting healthy with green tea. Here below, we are presenting the ways through which you can use green tea for increasing beauty.

Innovative Ways to use Green Tea for Your Beauty
Glowing Skin:
You can make your skin soft and glowing by regularly drinking green tea. It can also be used as a face mask. Make a cup of green tea and add few of its tablespoons in a moisturizer or cleanser. You can glow your skin by applying this mixture on face. You can also use brewed green tea with yogurt or green tea and apply it on face for 15 minutes.
Dark Circles Reduction:
Freeze few green tea bags for a night. Put these bags on your eyes for some time. It will reduce dark circles and eyes brightening.
Hair Growth and Shine:
Make the mixture of green tea with coconut oil and egg and them apply it to your hair for half an hour. It will make your hair grow well and shiny.
Healthy Teeth and Gums:
You can have healthy teeth and gums by drinking green tea as a mouth wash.
Glowing Body:
Make a paste of green tea, honey, lemon juice and regular grainy sugar. Apply the paste on darkened parts of your arms and legs and make your body to glow.