Dubai Leaks as they are called in the social media are the next interesting thing in Pakistan where everyday breaking news is made. This time, a rare news occurred as a holy cow was caught red-handed in the most awkward fashion. If you have seen the talk shows of last month, you would have noticed few of the people screaming at top of their voice demanding ruthless accountability of those who have been named or even indirectly linked with the PanamaLeaks. One of the very prominent ones of those voices is of Air Vice Marshal Shahid Lateef. Just hear him talking and you would think that the chap never even commits a minor sin let alone having millions of dollars worth property in Dubai.
Yes that’s what has been divulged in the media as the names of people who own properties in Dubai have surfaced. A mere Air Vice Marshal with limited salary having a plush Dubai property is something akin to a miracle. Shahid Lateef must be laughing hard during last month while blasting the politicians over their offshore companies. He must have thought that he would never be found out. But here we are, holy cow in the trap. From where he got the money to buy that Dubai property? How did he transfer that money to Dubai? How many other offshore assets does he has? These are all the answers similar to what ‘Lateef Naam ka Afsar’ has himself been asking from others.