Every women want a fresh, glowing and beautiful wrinkles free skin. But there is a huge difference between a twenty year old skin and 40 year old skin. Today’s women used to think how to get beautiful skin ? . Dermatologists says that a woman can have a glowing and beautiful skin if she feeds her skin with good and healthy food. I wanna tell you that you can have a perfect and glowing skin like young girls if you follow our simple 10 ways to get beautiful skin every day.Just read our article and try these tips in your home.

1. Gentle Cleansing Once a day : For beautiful skin, don’t forget to cleansing your face and neck once a day. Oil from the skin accumulates on the surface of the skin and blocks the skin pores hence, preventing the air to enter skin.
2. Exercise : Exercise is a good option t get beautiful skin because exercise improves your blood circulation. Remember blood circulation is also improves the skin complexion.
3. Sunscreen : Sunscreen is the best way to save your complexion from ultra violet rays from sun. Whenever you go out just apply a good sun screen on your face and neck.
4. Sleep : For a good and glowing skin, you should sleep 7 to 8 hours.
5. Fruits and Vegetables : Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables for a good and beautiful skin. Fruits and vegetables contains antioxidants that fights against the radicals that damage the skin.
6. Eggs : Egg is the source of protein. It contains biotic and other vitamins that protects the skin from bacteria and other diseases.
7. Say no to smoking : If you want to get beautiful and glowing skin then on of the best skin care tips is that say n to smoking. Just stay away from it.
8. Pomegranates : Pomegranates are one of the best tips for beautiful skin. Pomegranates has antioxidants which is very good for skin. It makes your skin glowing and beautiful. It also makes your complexion better.
9. Moisturize your skin every night : For a glowing and perfect skin you should moisturize your face daily night. It will cleans your skin.
10. Sip green tea : Sip green tea everyday for a beautiful skin. Green tea helps to heal skin because of its inflammatory nature.