Want The secret of Perfect skin ? The good news is you can skip all the lasers and fake products. There are some delicious fruits to eat that you can easily pickup in your local market. These fruits can provide you a perfect and glowing skin by either eating them or mashing them into a paste. You can also wear them on your skin as a face mask. Another benefit of fruits that i love, besides keeping your skin clear is how relaxing the scents can be ! Here em going to tell you about the fruits you can eat for clear and perfect skin.
1. Banana : Banana is full of potassium. They not only keep your skin clear but they also banish dark under eye circles too ! So try to eat banana’s in your breakfast or grab them as an on-the-go snack.
2. Mango : Nothing is more tasteful than mango. Mangoes are rich in Beta-Carotene, which is a form of Vitamin A that helps protect your skin from sun.
3. Pink Grapefruit : Pink grapefruit is full of a antioxidant called lycopene. Lycopene is good for skin. It protects your skin from radical damage and keep your skin youthful and healthy. If you don’t like pink grapefruit then you can use scrubs and facial washes with pink grapefruit in them.
4. Orange : Oranges are rich in Citrus acid. It keeps your skin clear. If you suffer from oily skin then oranges and lemon can be your new best friends. Besides eating them, rubbing pure citrus juice onto your face with a cotton ball once daily can eliminate oily skin.
5. Watermelon : Watermelon are full of water that is why it keeps your skin clear and youthful because it is so hydrating. Watermelon keeps your skin supple, moisturized and healthy.
6. Strawberries : Strawberries have salicylic acid in them that’s why they are the perfect natural treatment for pimples and acne. The best way to get the full benefits from strawberries is to mash them in a paste with a drop of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Apply this mask onto your face and wash it after 5 minutes. You will see the best results on your skin.