Best Homemade Skin Scrubs For Fair Skin

Posted in : Beauty Tips

(added few years ago!)
We are well aware of the fact that scrubbing plays an important role, where skin smoothness and freshness is concerned. Also you can prevent breakouts with help of scrubbing. There are not the only benefits of scrubbing, you can improve your complexion with help of scrubbing, or you can even keep your skin neat due to scrubbing. In today’s beauty article we will tell you about some best homemade skin scrubs for Fair skin.
Best Homemade Skin Scrubs For Fair Skin
Following is the list of Best Homemade Skin Scrubs For Fair Skin:
1. Lemon-honey face scrub
The first scrub among the best homemade skin scrubs for fair skin is the legendary Lemon-Honey face scrub. Combination of both — lemon and honey– is known for lightening your complexion  as well as for making your skin cotton soft. The acidic nature of lemon works as a bleaching agent thus helping your skin to get light. On the other hand honey makes your skin baby soft. To retain dead skin and get moisturising benefits, mix 2 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 and 1/2 tbsp of sugar. Apply this on the face and rinse after few minutes.
2. Salt, lemon and sugar scrub
The we have the salt, lemon and sugar scrub among the best homemade skin scrubs for fair skin.This is the best remedy for  brightening your complexion and also for exfoliating your skin. All you need is 2 tablespoons of salt, with juice of half lemon and add some sugar. he mixture so formed is highly advantageous to get a proper tone of skin after scrubbing in the natural way.
3. Avocado and oatmeal scrub for oily skin
Then we have the Avocado and Oatmeal Scrub For Oily Skin. This scrub works best if you have oily skin, we recommend people with dry and normal skin should avoid this method. Get  teaspoons of finely ground oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of avocado can be applied over the skin to get a glowing effect. This mixture is blended in a bowl and a thick paste is formed. It is massaged onto the damp face and then rinsed with warm water.
4. Baking soda blackheads scrub
The last in our list of best homemade skin scrubs for fair skin is baking soda blackheads scrub. The purpose of scrubbing is to remove all the blackheads and whiteheads living skin clear and bacteria free.Mix a tbsp of granulated sugar, 1 tbsp of baking soda and 2 tbsp of water and apply it on your face, which is followed by a massage. Then wash it off after like 10 minutes with warm water.
Blog post Written by Sana and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Best, Home, Made, Skin, Scrubs, Fair, Beauty, Smooth, Fresh, Scrub, Neat, Clean, Women, Girls, Men, Lemon, Honey, Light, Agent, Cotton, Softness, Juice, Benefits, Olive, Oil, Salt, Sugar, Fair, Add, Advantage, Natural, Oily, Avocado, Oatmeal, Dry, Normal, Baking, Soda, Warm, Water, Damp, Thick, Paste, Black, Heads, Remove, Bacteria, Massage, Wash, Fashion, Beautiful

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