Recipe for Shahjahani Biryani


  • 1 kg of Chicken
  • 3 tbsp of ginger garlic paste
  • Salt of your taste
  • Red Chilli of your taste
  • 3 Bay leave
  • 10 Clove
  • 2 Onion
  • 1 cup Cashew nut
  • 1 table spoon Turmeric
  • 2 table spoons Cumin seed
  • 3 table spoons Sesame seed
  • 3 table spoons Crush cocoanut
  • ½ cup Milk
  • 1 table spoon Saffron
  • 250 grams Yogurt
  • 500 grams Rice
  • 2 table spoon Vinegar
  • 500 grams Pastry

Cooking Directions

First boil rice, with vinegar and salt.

Take a pan and add ghee saute onion in it, after that add ginger garlic paste.

Now add boiled mutton in it and fry for about 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes put all the spices in it and fry more for some time.

Take another pan, put coconut, cashew nut and sesame and roast it with out oil.

Now blend roasted ingredients with yogurt and add in mutton and cook it for 5 minutes more.

While doing this add saffron milk of 4 table spoon in it and leave.

Take a large pan and add rice then mutton in it. Again add rice, mutton, saffron and milk in it. After covering with lid leave it on slow flame.

In handi add rice and then mutton. Again add rice and saffron, milk and cover it with thin layer of puffy pastry and bake for about 15 minutes.

When you see puffy pastry is crispy serve it and enjoy.

Shahjahani Biryani Photos

by (few years ago!) / 1245 views
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